15 Latest jQuery Media Plugins

Website technology has experienced a boom over the last five years with major enhancements including tools like jQuery which make web design easier with Plugins. Here are 15 jQuery plugins worth noting: 1. Bootstrap Video Player jQuery Plugin This is a HTML5 video player which allows customization. It includes auto play options along with play […]
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14 Top Calendar and Date Picker jQuery Plugins

Calendar and date interfaces are widely used among developers and is one of the most important parts of web designing. Building a website using these open source jQuery plugins is really simple. Here are 14 of the top calendar and date picker jQuery plugins for web designing: 1. FullCalendar This jQuery plugin provides an interactive […]
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15 Top jQuery Chart Plugins for Developers

Graphics in programs like Photoshop can be created both statistically and dynamically. Creating graphics using statistical methods is a bit difficult when compared to dynamical methods. Here are the few jQuery chart plugins that will help you generate charts or tables: 1. Dynatable.js Dynatable is a interactive table plugin that uses HTML5, jSON and jQuery. […]
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6 Latest Free jQuery Ebooks

Ever since jQuery libraries have been launched, front-end web development has changed. Websites are now more user-friendly, and with more features than every before. jQuery along with CSS has brought a revolution in website development, and it should continue for years to come.  There are header effects, grid variations, displaying animations, fade-in effects and various […]
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5 Reasons to Use jQuery

JavaScript and jQuery usage are always up for discussion. Let’s start with basics of of the two and why jQuery might be a better option. JavaScript is a raw programming language which has been used for a long time by professional IT programmers. It allows the client-side to interact with the user, alter the document […]
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Latest jQuery Plugins to Use in WordPress

jQuery are meant for reducing the time of web designing and giving more output. They are simple, concise and fast Java scripts to handle all work on website development. You can add various features and attributes on the page using various small jQuery. There is a whole huge group of developers which keep coming up […]
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