15 Latest jQuery Media Plugins

Website technology has experienced a boom over the last five years with major enhancements including tools like jQuery which make web design easier with Plugins. Here are 15 jQuery plugins worth noting:

1. Bootstrap Video Player jQuery Plugin

This is a HTML5 video player which allows customization. It includes auto play options along with play and pause buttons, video tagging, hiding the control panel, timer, progress and volume bar. It’s customizable via CSS.


2. Yunero – jQuery Plugin for Displaying YouTube Video Feed

When it comes to displaying video feed for YouTube, Yunero tops the list. It plays the recent updates and allows a subscription box to attract more customers.

3. VenoBox

What sets VenoBox apart from other plugins is the fact that it calculates the max width of displayed images to keep track of their original size. It will work for images and videos.


4. PrettyPhoto - jQuery Lightbox Clone

An API which can be launched from anywhere, PrettyPhotos is a full-blown lightbox which plays videos and supports Ajax and YouTube along with images.


5. Youmax

Youmax is a plugin which allows designers to play and customize YouTube videos on their websites. It shows the latest updates for personal YouTube channels and allows designers to specify certain playlists.


6. OKVideo – jQuery Plugin for Full screen Background Videos

OKVideo allows designers to utilize YouTube and Vimeo videos as backgrounds on websites. It can be customized and helps in managing the videos according to needs and criteria like bandwidth, browser etc.


7. jPlayer - HTML5 Audio/Video for jQuery

A free plugin which allows designers to include audio and video feeds on their websites within minutes. It works on a JavaScript enabled media library.


8. YoxView – jQuery Image Viewer Plugin

This Plugin supports online content, images, videos and iframes. YoxView is Flash content supported and is similar to LightBox.  Those who are looking for something with a lot of features, YoxView is definitely one of the options with a variety of choices.


9. Socialist

Socialist brings together all the major social media feeds like Facebook, Twitter and Flickr and more and allows designers to create a wall of all of their favorite social websites.


10. Jqx Media Slider

When simplicity and functionality is the hallmark of Jqx. It’s a jQuery media slider which will allow designers to customize according to their needs.


11. jQuery Webcam Plugin

This wrapper plugin allows to connect various cameras with the help of JavaScript. The plugin provides a transparent layer for communication.


12. Ion.Sound

When it comes to rocking an event, music is a must and interesting sounds can add fun. Ion.Sound allows designers to play more than a dozen free sounds in a cross-browser platform. It’s a free jQuery plugin frequently used for playing sounds at events.


These are probably the most helpful jQuery media plugins available on the internet. Feel free to comment and let us know your favorite plugin. Also don’t forget to mention any other major plugin that we might have missed.

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