6 Latest Free jQuery Ebooks

Ever since jQuery libraries have been launched, front-end web development has changed. Websites are now more user-friendly, and with more features than every before. jQuery along with CSS has brought a revolution in website development, and it should continue for years to come.  There are header effects, grid variations, displaying animations, fade-in effects and various other things.

The major reason why jQuery became popular is they allow CSS developers to work with it and take the front seat. You can write absolutely independent and unobtrusive code and place it in the main code anytime. This allows you to edit a website very easily and keep changing the look of it to keep it fresh.  The jQuery library allows you to easily manipulate HTML even after being displayed in a browser and lets you communicate with a server without reloading the page.

If you are a novice and learning the basics of jQuery or even if you have used it, but want to learn more about it, there are various tutorials, forums and free jQuery eBooks available online. They not only offer you a huge variety of features, but they do give you basic step-by-step guidelines to use them. Let us discuss some of the best free jQuery eBooks available online:

1. jQuery Fundamental

This is a guide to the basics of jQuery. This book will help you encounter some common problems using interactive examples for each concept being taught in the chapter.


2. jQuery : Benefits, Examples And Free Ebook 

This EBook contains lots of documentation with useful examples. It gives you lots of tips and tricks about PHP, Ajax, Jscript and CSS. This is definitely a good book to read.

3. jQuery Succinctly

It contains concepts of intermediate, and advance jQuery development. This is meant for people who are already through with the basics of jQuery and want to learn more. This is also good for people who are Javascript developers using other libraries, and want to switch to jQuery now.


4. jQuery in Action

This is a very fast-paced version of learning jQuery to take your Javascript programming to another level. This provides a deep knowledge of jQuery and jQuery UI releases.

5. PHP jQuery Cookbook

Written by an experienced programmer on various platforms, Vijay Joshi takes you through the whole journey of PHP and jQuery. It will let you learn validations, drag elements, create plugin, and even watch videos on YouTube.

6. JavaScript Design Patterns

This book is for professionals who wish to improve their knowledge of design patterns and usage of them in JavaScript programming. It assumes you to have a basic knowledge of JavaScript fundamentals.


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