All Javascript

React, Svelte or Angular: Which one to pick of the three?

If you are a web developer, you might wonder which Javascript frameworks you should use. Trying to decide on the best one can be a complicated and overwhelming process, so we have created this blog to help you understand the pros and cons of three of the most popular Javascript frameworks out there: React, Svelte, […]
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JavaScript Break and Continue Statements

In JavaScript, we often work with JavaScript loops (for loop/ while loop/ do-while loops). While programming, sometimes it is required to break the loop when a specified condition is met. Also, sometimes you may want to skip the loop iterations in the program. JavaScript offers two statements for this purpose, i.e., Break and Continue Statement. […]
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Tips for Students on How to Do Math in JavaScript with Operators

Mathematics lies at the heart of just about everything in programming. Understanding how to implement mathematical principles into JavaScript is necessary for building a functioning platform that performs its intended usage. Many of even the most basic tasks that JavaScript is used for involve creating a mathematical output - such as calculating graphics ratios, arriving […]
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The best software engineering conferences of 2021

If you want to stay in touch with the latest developments in any field, you should be aware of the conferences and events regarding those topics. Thanks to the pandemic, all the conferences and events have taken the online route. Well, the best part is that it has become accessible to everyone. You do not […]
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Top 5 Best JavaScript Template Engines

Template engines help in the decoupling of HTML and JavaScript code to reduce the client-side code complexity and make it manageable. Once you know the advantages of the template engines, you will definitely fall in love with them and start using them right away. You will be immensely impressed by their features and the benefits […]
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3 jQuery/JavaScript Plugins for Push Notifications

Push notifications started from the mobile business but this technology is available for websites too! Push notifications are akin to mobile app notifications except they come from a website. Similar to mobile app notifications, push notifications require user permission. Once the permission is granted, push notifications will appear on the subscribed desktop/device even when the […]
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