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The best software engineering conferences of 2021

If you want to stay in touch with the latest developments in any field, you should be aware of the conferences and events regarding those topics. Thanks to the pandemic, all the conferences and events have taken the online route. Well, the best part is that it has become accessible to everyone. You do not […]
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12 Awesome jQuery Virtual Keyboard Plugins

Virtual Keyboard Plugins A virtual keyboard is a component that allows a user to enter characters without a physical keyboard. It’s an alternative input mechanism for those who cannot use a physical keyboard, or for multi-lingual users who switch frequently between different character sets or alphabets. Virtual keyboards are commonly used as an on-screen input […]
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Optimize your jQuery selectors for best performance

Introduction Over time, the data size has increased for nearly every application. Due to huge amount of data residing in various database servers, performance becomes the most important and integral part of any application. If the page takes lots of time to render the data, it creates a bad impression and results in loss of […]
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How to Increase Conversion Rates with Ouibounce

One surefire way to increase conversion rates on your landing pages is to include some sort of pop-up, be it one that appears as soon as your user visits the page, or an exit pop-up that appears when the user is going to leave the page (usually this type of pop-up is activated when the […]
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Four free online Java compilers

Java codes are one of the most popular methods of developing software. Multiple online java code compilers are available which help to edit, compile and even publish so that designers don't have to open an IDE every time they need to get a job done. Here are some of the best online compilers available for […]
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Setting up Visual Studio Intellisense for jQuery

In September 2008, at the jQuery Conference, it was announced that Microsoft would be shipping its upcoming releases of Visual Studio with jQuery built in. They would not fork or change the jQuery code but ship it as is. Microsoft also announced that they would distribute IntelliSense-annotated documentation JavaScript files for Visual Studio 2008 that […]
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