React, Svelte or Angular: Which one to pick of the three?

If you are a web developer, you might wonder which Javascript frameworks you should use. Trying to decide on the best one can be a complicated and overwhelming process, so we have created this blog to help you understand the pros and cons of three of the most popular Javascript frameworks out there: React, Svelte, and Angular.
There is an ongoing debate on which one is the best, so let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each one.
Pros: React JS
React JS was created in 2011, by a software engineer who worked at Facebook. Initially, they planned to use it only on the world’s most popular social media network, but the following year, Instagram, another well known social media platform also owned by Facebook, decided to take React on board.
A few years later, React became open-sourced. Nowadays, web developers across the globe use it to maintain their websites, and it is believed to be the second most popular Javascript framework on the planet. So, why is React JS so popular among web developers?
- User Friendly: Getting the hang of React is easy if you already know HTML, Javascript, and CSS. Most web developers can learn how to use React in a short space of time. There are several websites dedicated to ReactJS development services, so it shouldn’t take you long to get your head around it.
- If you want to manage an extensive database, ReactJS has a virtual DOM.
- Making dynamic web apps is easy with React: Creating web applications from scratch with HTML can prove tricky, even for experienced web developers. React JS can be used to help solve these complicated issues developers face. Thankfully, it doesn't require a lot of coding, and it does support the building of machine readable codes.
- Reusable components: Creating new codes each time you want to create new components can take a lot of time. React allows users to reuse old components.
- It’s SEO-Friendly: If you want your site to get noticed, it needs to be ranked high on Google and other major search engines. You might have heard that the Google crawl bot (a tool Google uses to scan through websites to see how user-friendly each site is) is unable to read Javascript. Luckily, this has changed over the past few years, and it is able to render sites with Javascript. Web developers who use React don’t need to worry about the components they have created with the application, because the Google Crawl Bot will be able to read the different components.
- Several well-known websites, apps, and platforms use React: It seems like almost all well known companies in the digital world use React, from Netflix to Whatsapp!
- Regular support: Facebook has a team that provides support for the library. They fix bugs and provide updates every day to ensure it works. There is a large community around the globe supporting and updating React.
Cons: React JS
Although React is extremely popular, and most users find it easy to learn and that it is a reliable tool, there are a few downsides to using it such as:
- It's constantly being developed at a high pace: Although it is great that developers are frequently making changes to React, this can also prove problematic. Because the environment changes almost daily, developers must keep up to date with the changes being made. You might have to adapt to the changes and find yourself relearning how to use it regularly.
- Lack of documentation: Because they develop React at such a fast pace, the developers sometimes don’t have the time to make accurate and up to date documentation. Although developers publish instructions online, with so many new tools being released on a regular basis, it's sometimes difficult to stay on top of everything. If you haven’t used React for a while, you might find it challenging to get your head around the updates.
However, React is a great tool to have, and it is expected to grow in popularity not just in the United States, but around the globe. The developers are confident that React will play a major role in web and app development in the future, which is why it is highly recommended.
Pros: Svelte
Another popular tool that front-end developers are using today is Svelte. It has been gaining in popularity among developers in recent years, and here are some of the reasons why you should consider using it.
- It doesn’t have any virtual structure: This will help make the application run faster, making the users overall experience better.
- Svelte is a lightweight framework: The way your site looks is of vital importance when it comes to the number of visitors the site gets. Svelte uses modern javascript to help produce a fast and clean site. It has the ability to make top quality compact code. This makes it easier to make changes to the site, and develop new codes.
- Less coding: Writing lengthy codes can seem like it takes forever. Svelte allows users to produce genuine business logic, without having to write additional coding. This helps developers reduce the time they spend coding.
- It's fun: If you enjoy making user interfaces, you are going to love using Svelte. It has a warm feel to it, and the reputable community behind the framework have a fantastic attitude, as they are constantly looking to improve it.
Cons: Svelte
Unlike React JS where developers can use languages they already know, like HTML, CSS and Javascript, developers will have to learn Svelte, which is a totally different language. Users will require more specialized tools, and they will need to learn about the framework’s specifics.
Because Svelte is new, it isn’t yet a full scale framework. However, this is expected to change in the near future, especially with the framework growing the way it has been growing in recent years.
Pros: Angular
Angular is a tool that is used by millions of software and web developers all around the world. Angular is a JS ecosystem that was created by Google way back in 2009. It is believed that over thirty percent of software programmers use Angular to create and maintain UIs.
The first version of Angular, known as AngularJS, was used to turn HTML documents into dynamic content. Before the tool existed, developers were unable to interact with UIs on HTML documents.
- Google uses it on lots of different applications, including Google Analytics
- Like React, its uses regular DOM
- Users can take advantage of its two way data binding
- For developing apps for mobiles, they use Powerful Ionic Framework
- It has proven to be a fantastic solution for dynamic apps with one page
- It doesn't demand a lot of coding
Cons: Angular
Some developers claim that it can be a bit sluggish and that it performs slower than React. It can take a long time to learn, even experienced developers struggle to figure it out. If you don’t know JavaScript or the framework-specific syntax, you might want to look for an alternative.
Surprising, it's not as SEO-Friendly as most developers would have hoped. Most expected it to help with their sites’ SEO, especially considering it was developed by Google, but unfortunately, this isn’t the case.