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Date validation for “MM/YYYY” using jQuery

You may done validation for "dd/mm/yyyy" format but today I need to do validation for "MM/YYYY" format. The end user will input the date in textbox and I need to validate the date. Below jQuery code validates the date using regular expression in "MM/YYYY" format only using jQuery. jQuery Code: $(document).ready(function() { $('#txtDate').blur(function() { if(validateDate('txtDate')) […]
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Fix for “IE Select DropDown with Fixed width issue” using jQuery

Today I found another reason to hate IE. I ran into an issue where Select DropDown with Fixed width cuts off the options text (if it is wider than the assigned width) only in IE (Internet Explorer). In this post, I will show you the fix for this problem using JavaScript and jQuery both. Problem […]
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Best JavaScript Tools for Developers

JavaScript solves multiple purposes; it helps you to create interactive websites, web applications, and many more. Using JavaScript into your projects lets you move HTML elements around, create a myriad of custom animations, speedup your applications and give your visitors a better end user experience. For this roundup we have compiled a list of 50 […]
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5 Voice Control JavaScript Libraries for Developers

In this article we have collected 5 awesome voice control and speech recognition libraries that will help you to easily add voice commands into your websites. So what are you waiting for lets check out these voice control libraries, and start adding voice commands to your websites. Enjoy !! 1. annyang.js annyang is a tiny […]
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Problem: javascript setTimeout executes function immediately

JavaScript has setTimeout() method which calls a function or evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds. See below code, setTimeout(function(){alert("Hello")}, 3000); Above code will display an alert after 3 seconds. Let's take another example, setTimeout(Func1(), 2000); You must be thinking that "Func1()" will be executed after 2 seconds. No, You are wrong. The […]
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JavaScript Text Effect Libraries

Looking for some JavaScript Text Effect Libraries for your arsenal and fed up experimenting with CSS for hours? Well you came to right place! We have listed some of the best JavaScript Text Effects Libraries that will allow you to style, animate, and edit your text without even messing with bunch of CSS code. So, […]
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