Top 5 Best JavaScript Template Engines

Template engines help in the decoupling of HTML and JavaScript code to reduce the client-side code complexity and make it manageable. Once you know the advantages of the template engines, you will definitely fall in love with them and start using them right away. You will be immensely impressed by their features and the benefits […]
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6 Free JavaScript Books for Advanced Learners

Learn JavaScript is essential for anyone who wants to become a creative webpage designer.  It is one of the most powerful and dynamic programming languages which has been most commonly used alongside HTML and CSS. JavaScript is used by most web browsers and supports object oriented programming, which also has an application programming interface for […]
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Four free online Java compilers

Java codes are one of the most popular methods of developing software. Multiple online java code compilers are available which help to edit, compile and even publish so that designers don't have to open an IDE every time they need to get a job done. Here are some of the best online compilers available for […]
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7 Awesome JavaScript Libraries for Drawing

The uses of JavaScript are definitely countless when adding extended features in Web Browsers. JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for easier development of JavaScript based-applications. It can be combined with CSS to create dynamic web pages as well. It's a good alternative to Flash based websites. There are libraries for […]
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8 Useful JavaScript Libraries to Build Interactive Charts

Presentations often involve a lot of data which needs to be conveyed to clients. But making others understand raw data might be a tad bit difficult as not everyone has the same understanding of data. One of the easiest ways to deal with this problem is to make them understand data with the help of […]
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Accessible Showing and Hiding

Editor's Note: When I started this blog nearly three years ago, one of the first things I did was write a series on showing and hiding elements on a page. The posts were very basic, as was my knowledge at the time. At best, they demonstrated an incomplete answer to the question of how to […]
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