8 Awesome jQuery Zoom Plugins

When it comes to creating a portfolio or a business website that sells products, one of the important features required is zooming. Zooming to enlarge the product or image that has been shared on a site for better viewing by the customers. JQuery plugins provides the perfect application for zooming on websites. However, there are […]
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Interesting unknown facts about jQuery

It's been 9 years since the first release of jQuery and since then it has come a long way. And in these years, jQuery has made an immense impact on website development. But it's always exciting to go back to history and find out how it started. Recently, John Resig (jQuery creator) annotated the first […]
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15 Latest jQuery Media Plugins

Website technology has experienced a boom over the last five years with major enhancements including tools like jQuery which make web design easier with Plugins. Here are 15 jQuery plugins worth noting: 1. Bootstrap Video Player jQuery Plugin This is a HTML5 video player which allows customization. It includes auto play options along with play […]
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jQuery code to share content on whatsapp

In this short post, find jQuery code to share any content on whatsapp. The code first checks for mobile device and if it's a mobile device then it just creates whatsapp URL with user defined text and link to share and then just redirects it. That's it. $(document).ready(function () { $(document).on("click", '.whatsapp', function () { […]
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14 Top Calendar and Date Picker jQuery Plugins

Calendar and date interfaces are widely used among developers and is one of the most important parts of web designing. Building a website using these open source jQuery plugins is really simple. Here are 14 of the top calendar and date picker jQuery plugins for web designing: 1. FullCalendar This jQuery plugin provides an interactive […]
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15 Top jQuery Chart Plugins for Developers

Graphics in programs like Photoshop can be created both statistically and dynamically. Creating graphics using statistical methods is a bit difficult when compared to dynamical methods. Here are the few jQuery chart plugins that will help you generate charts or tables: 1. Dynatable.js Dynatable is a interactive table plugin that uses HTML5, jSON and jQuery. […]
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