How to Use jQuery to Test CSS3 Browser Support

The tricky thing about using CSS properties (especially newer ones that have just been introduced) is that they aren't always supported by every browser, particularly older versions of any browser, which can be a pain if you're really striving for consistency in your projects. Luckily, there are a few ways around this issue of cross-browser […]
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4 Best Tools for Validating Your jQuery Code

New to jQuery and looking for some help to make sure that your code is correct? Or are you a seasoned JavaScript pro who can't seem to find that one little bug in your code that seems to be messing everything up? No matter what your level of coding expertise is, chances are you're going […]
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How to Refresh One Section of a Page

There are plenty of times where you might want to refresh only part of your page's content, leaving the static content to be, well, static, and refreshed at the user's discretion. Reloading an entire page on a user can be jarring, confusing, and doesn't make for a great user experience. However, if your page features timely […]
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jQuery Snippets: Check/Un-Check All Function

This easy-to-implement jQuery code snippet is super useful, and can be used to create a functionality that will check OR uncheck any checkboxes within a particular fieldeset. So for example, if your HTML looks like this: <fieldset> <div><input type=“checkbox” class=“checkall”>Check All</div> <div><input type=“checkbox”>Check Me</div> <div><input type=“checkbox”>Check Me</div> <div><input type=“checkbox”>Check Me</div> </fieldset> Your jQuery code to […]
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jQuery & JavaScript Resources: Books

If you’re a bookworm looking to learn JavaScript or jQuery, this list is for you. Any of these books are great resources to learn the fundamentals of both JavaScript and jQuery and will give you a great foundation to start learning both of these languages.   1. JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Front End Web Development […]
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Form Validation Snippets: Email Validation with jQuery

With jQuery, it’s possible to write code that executes client-side validations for your forms and input fields. A common validation to make is to check whether or not an email address that’s entered into an email field is actually a valid email address (or at least in valid email address format). The following is a […]
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