jQuery Snippets: Back to Top Button

One common way to use jQuery is to add a useful and functional "Back to Top" button to your pages and projects. This feature is a prominent and popular one on many websites as the Back to Top trend continues to grow -- you may have noticed it when shopping online. The feature is very […]
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7 Coolest Free jQuery Plugins for 2017

There are so many free jQuery plugins available to use in your projects that it can be hard to stay on top of the latest and the greatest. If you're looking for some new plugins to add some freshness to your sites, take a look at the list we've curated below at some of our […]
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How to Find the Coordinates of Your Mouse Position

Did you know you can use jQuery to find the coordinates of your cursor? It only takes a few lines of code to get the x and y coordinates of where the mouse is positioned on a page. With these coordinates, you can execute other functions and lines of code based on where the cursor […]
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jQuery .on() Method: the Issue of Dynamically Added Elements

The jQuery .on() method is the recommended way for attaching events to any DOM element. This method attaches event handlers to a selected set of elements and it works perfectly for elements present on the page. However, there is an issue with the .on() method which inhibits the attachment of events to dynamically added elements. […]
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Handy jQuery Code Snippets for Textboxes

Code snippets are great time savers as these are essentially just reusable pieces of code. Implementing client side validations can be done using jQuery, as well as some other basic tasks like clearing value or enabling and disabling textboxes. This post provides a list of useful jQuery code snippets for handling textbox related tasks with […]
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How to Use jQuery to Test CSS3 Browser Support

The tricky thing about using CSS properties (especially newer ones that have just been introduced) is that they aren't always supported by every browser, particularly older versions of any browser, which can be a pain if you're really striving for consistency in your projects. Luckily, there are a few ways around this issue of cross-browser […]
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