jQuery & JavaScript Resources: Books

If you’re a bookworm looking to learn JavaScript or jQuery, this list is for you. Any of these books are great resources to learn the fundamentals of both JavaScript and jQuery and will give you a great foundation to start learning both of these languages.  
This book covers a lot of material on both jQuery and JavaScript and presents a lot of its information through beautifully designed diagrams and charts. Great for absolute beginners.
This book is super affordable and provides its readers with complete understanding of JavaScript, purposely covering material that many developers have trouble understanding, and techniques that even the most accomplished JS divs tend to avoid.
At 1096 pages, this is the so-called “bible” for JavaScript developers. If you’re looking for a book book that thoroughly covers JavaScript topics and also serves as a great reference text, this  one’s a great option. 
This text isn’t for absolute beginners, but if you’re a coder who knows other OOP languages (Python, Ruby), you may find it an interesting tool to bridge the gap between one of the other  OOP languages you know and JavaScript. 

Another book that isn’t for absolute beginners, but if you’re looking to learn about the best techniques to use for how to approach the development of certain functionalities and applications. If you already have a solid JS foundation, this is a good text to use to take you to the next level. 

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