4 Best Tools for Validating Your jQuery Code

New to jQuery and looking for some help to make sure that your code is correct? Or are you a seasoned JavaScript pro who can't seem to find that one little bug in your code that seems to be messing everything up? No matter what your level of coding expertise is, chances are you're going to need to use a validator to either validate or debug your code at some point throughout the process of writing your code. Even if you're a JavaScript master, it can never hurt to check your code with a validator to make sure everything looks good and is formatted correctly. If you're looking for a good tool to perform this sort of validation on your code, check out the list of validators we've compiled below:

1. JSHint

JSHint is a simple JavaScript validator that is very user friendly. All you need to do is enter your code into the text area on the left hand side of the page, and you'll see your code report (complete with possible errors and problems in your code) on the right hand side.
2.  Esprima
Esprima is a JavaScript syntax validator that checks mostly for syntax errors and less for general problems in your code. Esprima is perfect to use when you know you've missed a semi colon or a bracket somewhere and you want to find the solution quickly.
Code Beautify is a JS validator that will detect errors and also gather information about any inputted code -- total characters, total words, total lines. A good tool to use to quickly and easily validate your JavaScript or jQuery code. 
4. JSLint
JSLint is a versatile and customizable JavaScript code validator that lets you select some options to customize the way your code is validated. You can choose some things that you'd like the validator to "tolerate," so that you don't get any unnecessary errors for things you're already aware of or not planning on fixing, and you can also select options for CouchDB or Node.js, so the validator can take into account that your JS code is using those tools. 

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