All jQuery Codes

7 Reasons Why You Should Start Learning Coding

Coding is the language of computers, and it allows us to interact with them meaningfully. It is ideal for anyone looking to take their career in a new direction or simply learn something new. You can develop various applications with coding skills, from software to websites. In a tech-driven world, it’s essential to have a […]
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Best Tips to Learn jQuery

jQuery is a programming script that runs on a browser, and it is a JavaScript library. When you learn it, the concept is to expand your knowledge of the system and the libraries, so it really isn’t that hard to grasp if you already use the other known programs.  Image: Unsplash There are several benefits […]
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All You Need To Know About Web Accessibility

We’ve heard many developers and designers talking about web accessibility for a while, however, it’s not that rare that you encounter a website that is performing poorly due to various reasons. Some websites are not created for users with limitations and disabilities in mind, others depend heavily on a fast internet connection to load all […]
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The Newbies Guide to jQuery

If you’re an active participant on web developer forums, you may have come across interesting debates on the relevance and worthiness of jQuery. However, anyone who understands the history of JavaScript as a programming language, knows how this popular library was born and the browser compatibility issues it helped resolve. For many front-end developers, this […]
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6 FAQ Of Low-code Platforms Before Choosing The Right

As agile business solutions become more necessary, more and more businesses are looking for solutions and features that can improve service delivery, processes, and business activities. Low-code is becoming increasingly popular as it allows tech industry players to build applications without requiring coding experience.  Users can now design and build software with much smaller budgets and teams […]
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jQuery code to share content on whatsapp

In this short post, find jQuery code to share any content on whatsapp. The code first checks for mobile device and if it's a mobile device then it just creates whatsapp URL with user defined text and link to share and then just redirects it. That's it. $(document).ready(function () { $(document).on("click", '.whatsapp', function () { […]
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