jQuery – Load ASP.Net User Control Dynamically

In this post, find jQuery code to load ASP.NET user control dynamically using jQuery and ajax together. To achieve this, we need to declare a WebMethod on server side which actually adds the user control to a Page class object. And using jQuery and Ajax, call this WebMethod and append the respond to any DOM […]
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Export table to Excel using jQuery in IE

Previously I had posted about Export table data to Excel using jQuery but that solution doesn't work in IE. And many of us are looking for solution to this problem. If you are using ASP.NET, then by end of this post you will have the solution. To make it work for IE with ASP.NET, we […]
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jQuery: Convert ASP.NET GridView Data into CSV

In this post, find jQuery code to convert ASP.NET GridView data into CSV format which is sometimes quite useful for exporting purpose. This can be also be done using server side code but that involves extra overhead "postback". ASP.NET GridView control is rendered in table > th > tr > td format. The columns names […]
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jQuery, ASP.NET Client ID and External JS File

To find any ASP.NET Control in jQuery, we use Client ID property to get the correct ID of the rendered control. For example, to find an ASP.NET textbox with ID "txtName", a familiar jQuery syntax is, $('<%= txtName.ClientID %>').focus( //Blah Blah); If you are writing this above code directly in your .aspx page, then your […]
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Fix for ASP.NET Checkbox -jQuery click event getting fired twice issue

This is really interesting. If ASP.NET checkboxes or checkbox list is placed within any container element like div or span, and click event is attached on checkbox. And then clicking on checkbox text will call click event twice. For example, consider the following HTML/ASP.NET code. <div id="dvList"> <asp:CheckBox ID="chk1" runat="server" Text="Check1" CssClass="Dummy" /> <asp:CheckBox ID="chk2" […]
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Using jQuery with ASP.NET

As this post is about "using jQuery with ASP.NET" so we will not be looking into "What is jQuery" and "How to use jQuery" assuming you know basics of jQuery. If not, then please read "Learn how to use jQuery?" To begin with using jQuery with ASP.NET, first download the latest version the jQuery library […]
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