The 21st Century is a Time of Digital Progress

stream server

Science has stepped far ahead, allowing people to solve the most difficult tasks. Now, with the help of modern technology, the most ordinary person can easily contact one's family and friends who are on another continent. Live broadcasts ceased to be something new and allowed bloggers to earn additional income. Website became very popular. Even the most illiterate Internet user can learn all the necessary skills here. This platform opens up many opportunities. However, this is not all a person needs to know these days…

Choosing and setting up a server for those who want to earn money

A person who earns money on live broadcasts is considered a streamer. First of all, a beginner in this business should choose a quality server. A lot of problems can arise here. Each site can offer something extraordinary. It is worth selecting a proven Ukrainian VPS. The TwitchTest and OBS Classic programs will significantly help at the initial stage. After downloading, you must immediately start setting up. Some programs can distort the picture, even on the most modern computers. After clicking on the "Start" button, the necessary servers are then searched. After finding the right server, it is crucial to open OBS Classic. Here it would help if you went to the "Broadcasting" section. It is vital to set the correct broadcast server.


During a live broadcast, viewers can start sending money to a blogger simply appreciating their saying "hello" or finding a unique topic to discuss. However, these services are not for everyone. The blogger himself must be a reasonably significant person. If this person is not attractive, they should not hope for much. Many advertisers also pay big money to advertise their products. One part of the amount is intended for the site's creators, and the other for the streamer himself. If the streamer talks about the product live, this will undoubtedly bring more trust.

Yet, to make a profit, it is worth working hard. It would help to promote your channel; otherwise, nothing will work. At the initial stage, criticism from ordinary users is possible. There is no need to be afraid of this. It is essential to purchase quality equipment and find something unique in yourself.

How and where to rent a server for online broadcasting

It's worth saying what to pick streaming server hosting is not that hard. Any beginner can handle this. If you need more extensive knowledge, it is best to seek help from specialists. Providers will help solve the most complex tasks, as they are well versed in all the subtleties and have extensive experience in this area.

Virtual server hosting can be found by yourself. Perhaps, it will take a little more time. Sometimes help in hosting a VPS server is simply necessary.

How much do streamers earn today

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of earnings. Earnings depend entirely on the location. You need to know that streamers from the USA earn the most. There you can earn 2,500 thousand dollars a month on paid subscriptions. That is, if the number of subscriptions is about 1000. But streamers from other countries can also make good money on sponsorship contracts. Companies are always willing to pay for advertising and brand promotion. If we talk about beginner streamers, they can earn from $50 to $1000. That is also very good. Here a lot depends on the number of viewers. That is why you should strive to get a large audience. You can look at other streamers and draw your own conclusions.

Already established streamers can earn up to 30 thousand dollars. Everything depends only on yourself. People appreciate the sincerity.

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