10 Brilliant Scrolling Effects using jQuery

10 Brilliant Scrolling Effects using jQuery:

Extended scrolling sites have been a trend for quite some time. The coolest ones are the sites with parallax scrolling as we discussed in this article.

In this effect, the images move themselves to give a parallax effect. Whenever the user is scrolling down from the page, various animations are triggered.

It gives a very fresh look and feel to any website if used correctly.

Parallax scrolling is very difficult to accomplish from scratch because of the knowledge required about JavaScript, CSS, and web design to make it happen. Like Parallax scrolling, there are various other Brilliant Scrolling effects that can be easily created using jQuery.

They might be tough to pull off from scratch, but there are many libraries that can make it easier.

Here is a list of 10 brilliant scrolling effects using jQuery; you can simply follow the article to choose the perfect one for your website!

"In case you want to download the Scrolling effects, you can always go to GitHub, or if you want to download a specific one, then you can go to beebom."


Imagine is made by ‘pixevil,' which is a parallax animation and scroll framework. The animation involved in Imagine has nearly limitless possibilities. 

Imagine can be used with any type of element on the web page and also comes with a nearly perfect markup of a parallax background.

It is built with GSAP, jQuery, and also Animus while guaranteed to provide you a parallax scrolling effect which is unmatched.

Basically, the reason for Imagine being such a famous library for scrolling effects is that it uses simple syntax for custom animation creation.

You don't even have to learn about JavaScript complexities to create the custom scrolling effect based on animation.

Lateral on-Scroll Sliding with jQuery:

Lateral On-Scroll Sliding with jQuery

This here is a very unique and minimalistic effect for scrolling in jQuery. The main idea here is to merely slide in through the elements depending on the position of the scroll of the document. It will divide the page into right and left side.

When you have to get the element to the center from outside of the page, you can do it with this effect, while the elements can also be moved in 3D spaces.

In this effect, there is also a typography effect, which is made using jQuery and CSS3. Again, you don't need in-depth knowledge of either to implement this effect.

jQuery Scroll Path:

jQuery Scroll Path | Unmatched Style

This is a plugin for jQuery, which lets you create and define your custom scrolling path.

It uses syntax, which is canvas-flavored for path drawing, using the methods known as lineTo, arc, and moveTo.

You can also enable the canvas overlays with the path when initializing this plugin; this helps you get the path exactly right and how you like it!


Skrollr.js Parallax Scrolling Website Tutorials | Potent Pages

Speaking of the parallax scrolling effect, Skrollr does that, and more!

It is a fully designed library for scrolling animations. You can use it without having any type of parallax scrolling on the page.

Skrollr revolves around CSS3 and HTML5 without you having to gain professional knowledge of either. 

Layer 3D:

3D Multi-layer Parallax Effect With jQuery And CSS3 | Free jQuery Plugins

Layer 3d is a jQuery plugin that is extremely powerful and is used for creating the out of image effect, as depicted above.

You can also create the Parallax effect with this plugin with only a bit of web design knowledge. Some other similar plugins you might find useful are listed here.

As a bonus, there is also a mode referred to as full size, enabling you to create a website with a full parallax effect.


FullScreen/One Page Scrolling Plugin - pagePiling.js | jQuery Post

pagePiling is a plugin for jQuery that enables you to split your website into various sections.

These sections are piled on top of each other. When scrolling or accessing the URL, the sections are revealed in a clean sliding animation.

Pagepiling.js is very compatible with all types of platforms like mobile, desktop, and even tablets.

It also works with all modern browsers but sadly is not supported on older browsers such as IE7.

Therefore, you need to include the JavaScript or CSS file inside HTML if you’re thinking of using pagepiling.js animations in your website.


10 Best Parallax Scrolling Plugins

Here is a scrolling jQuery plugin that keeps the native scroll of the browser turned off for targeted scrolling. Basically, it takes you towards the next point vertically on the screen or even towards the container's top.

There are three types of functionalities associated with Alton, called Bookend, Hero, and Standard. The standard one can enable you to use the full page scrolling with an individual maximum height section.

Bookend, on the other hand, allows you to create an effect of bookend, while lastly, the hero will enable you to scroll jack only for the Hero section.

The rest of the page will have native scrolling.


Superscrollorama « jQuerylabs.com

Here is a jQuery plugin that gives you scroll animations powered by Greensock Tweening Engine and Tween Max.

This increases the performance of animation to an incredible extent and also smoothens the animations to make them look effortless.

The animations in Superscrollorama are called through jQuery and use mostly the TweenMax.js functions.

Mobile devices don't support these types of animations because they are touch screens and handle the effects of the scroll in different ways.

However, you can use the ‘setScrollContainerOffset’ to successfully use it on mobile devices with a touch screen. 


ScrollMagic - The jQuery plugin for magical scroll interactions | Product  Hunt

ScrollMagic is one of the most popular jQuery plugins for magic scroll effects.

It is very future proof and can let you animate the page merely based on the scroll position.

This means you can also move, fix, or even animate HTML elements as you are scrolling.

The duration for scrolling is unlimited, and you can also add parallax effects on top of it all.

Therefore, ScrollMagic is very customizable and also lightweight, having the best external resources and documentation. 

You can also use it with various mobile devices because it works with touch screen scrolling.


Coding: JavaScript

With the ScrollMe plugin for jQuery, you can simply add the parallax effect for scrolling on your web page.

You can also translate, change the opacity, rotate, and scale the page elements as scrolling around.

There is no knowledge of JavaScript required in ScrollMe; you only need to know or learn a bit of CSS.

You can also animate any type of HTML element by adding 'animateme’ and also the required data attributes.

Last but not least, ScrollMe is best for CSS effect additions because of its lightweight and smooth performance. 

We talk about similar scrolling effects in this article which you should check out!

"If you want to learn more about Scrolling effects, or want more of these plugins, you can go to bashooka."

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