12 Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugins

Lightbox is great way to display large
images on modal window and if you wish to have a lightbox which works not only
on desktop but also on tablets and smart phones. And for that you need a
responsive lightbox plugin.  So in this
post, find a compiled list of 12 responsive jQuery lightbox plugins which
supports images, YouTube videos, iframes and any kind of content.  Enjoy.

1.     LightCase
Lightcase is a flexible,
responsive and extendable lightbox plugin based on the jQuery Framework, uses
CSS3 for all its transitions. It works fine in all common browsers like
Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox, Opera, Webkit and more.
2.     Chocolate
Chocolate is a responsive
jQuery lightbox plugin that is powerful and easy to use. Chocolat.js enables
you to display one or several images staying on the same page.
3.     jQuery.TosRUs

jQuery.TosRUs plugin is a
great lightbox alternative for scrolling/swiping through any kind of content. It
works quite well on a desktop, tablet or smart phone, inside a HTML element or
as a lightbox popup. It's responsive by default.
4.     Simple Lightbox

Simple Lightbox is a
touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop with jQuery. It’s
responsive, touch friendly and easy to install.
5.     Strip
Strip is a Lightbox that
only partially covers the page. This makes it less intrusive and leaves room to
interact with the page on larger screens while giving smaller mobile devices
the classic Lightbox experience.
6.     Rebox
jQuery Rebox is a small,
lightweight, responsive lightbox that uses delegation. Instead of using a
ridiculous amount of JavaScript to restrict image sizes within the window,
Rebox uses css max-width. The design requires no images, although if you want
to reskin it you can. This keeps the library clean, and simple
Image Lightbox is an ascetic,
minimalistic, extensible & configurable, responsive and touch-friendly,
iOS, Android and Windows Phone compatible lightbox plugin. Silently preloads
next image, uses CSS transform and transition, interacts with keyboard.
8.     SmoothBox
Smoothbox is a simple,
lightweight, and responsive jQuery lightbox plugin. It uses CSS3 transitions
for smoother effects.
9.     FeatherLight
Featherlight is a very
lightweight jQuery lightbox. It's very, very lightweight. 400 lines of
JavaScript, 100 of CSS, less than 6kB combined. It's smart, responsive,
supports images, Ajax and iframes out of the box and you can adapt it to your
flipLightBox is a free
Responsive Lightbox jQuery Plugin that is extremely easy to implement and
doesn't require any additional style sheets, scripts or libraries. Its main
feature is an optional flip effect as each lightbox image opens and closes.
Another optional feature is a toggled slide text bar and navigation to
accompany the lightbox images.
 Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup is a
responsive lightbox & dialog script with focus on performance and providing
best experience for user with any device.  

Swipebox is a jQuery
“lightbox” plugin for desktop, mobile and tablet. It provides swipe gestures
for mobile, keyboard Navigation for desktop, CSS transitions with jQuery
fallback, retina support for UI icons and easy CSS customization.

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