20 Best jQuery Progress Bar Plugins

jQuery progress bar plugins allow you to create a progress bar by using animations and your own images . There are myriad of jQuery Progress Bar Plugins available online, so I have decided to bring some useful progress bar plugins for you, therefore in this article I would like to present  20 Best jQuery Progress Bar Plugins that will help you to create beautiful, animated and visually stunning progress bars for your websites and projects. Each of these plugins has its own features and virtue which you will definitely want to give a try.

1. Pace

Pace makes a beautiful progress indicator for your page load and ajax navigation. It will automatically monitor your ajax requests, event loop lag, document ready state, and elements on your page to decide the progress. On ajax navigation it will begin again!

2. NProgress.js

NProgress.js a nanoscopic progress bar inspired by Google & YouTube. Featuring realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening!

3. Loadie.js

Loadie.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a preloader that doesn't suck.

4. Progress.js

ProgressJs is a JavaScript and CSS3 library which helps developers create and manage progress bars for any object on the page. You can design your own template for progress bars or simply customize them. You can use ProgressJs to show the progress of loading contents (images, videos, etc.) on the page to the users. It can be used on all elements including textboxes, textareas or even the whole body.

5. ProgressBar.js

ProgressBar.js is a beautiful and responsive progress bars with animated SVG paths. With ProgressBar.js, it’s easy to create arbitrary shaped progress bars. This library provides a few built in shapes like Line, Circle and Square but you can also create your own progress bars with Illustrator or any vector graphic editor.

6. Fort.js

Fort.js is a modern progress bar for form completion. All you do is add the form and Fort.js algorithm will take care of the rest. Best of all, it super small.

7. Progression.js

Progression.js is a jQuery plugin that gives users real time hints & progress updates as they complete forms. All you have to do is to give your form a unique ID. You then need to add a data attribute of data-progression to each element that needs to be a step in the form progression. Once you have created your form you will need to initiate the plugin. It is released under MIT License.

8. Scrolling Progress Bar

scrolling progress bar
An animated progress bar that updates the progress based on how far scrolled you are into a content section.

9. Goal Progress

goal progress bar
Goal Progress plugin allows you to create an animated progress bar using jQuery. Just fill in the required input and the plugin calculates the progress of your goal and animates the bar. You can specify text to put before and after the amount raised.

10. Nanobar.js

nanobar.js is a super lightweight javascript progress bar plugin.

11. ProBars

ProBars is a stylish progress bars that animate as they enter the viewport.

12. MProgress.js

MProgress.js is a Google Material Design Progress linear bar by using CSS3 and pure JavaScript. You can use 4 types of linear bar.

13. Circular Loader

CircularLoader.js is a jQuery plugin made using HTML5 and javascript to create customizable cicular progress bars with or without percentage values. It can be used to create a progress indicator. It is a fully customizable plugin which works with all browsers compatible with HTML5.

14. jQMeter

jQMeter is a simple, light-weight jQuery plugin that allows you to display an animated horizontal or vertical progress meter. Just pass in the goal and amount raised or completed, and the rest is optional.

15. ToProgress

ToProgress is a lightweight, no-dependency top progress bar library.

16. Bootstrap Progressbar

bootstrap progressbar
Bootstrap Progressbar is a jQuery plugin which extends the basic Bootstrap progressbar. It provides the ability to animate the progressbar by adding Javascript in combination with the preexisting css transitions. Additionally you can display the current progress information in the bar or get the value via callback.

17. jQuery Progress Indicator

jquery progress indicator on page scroll
A jQuery plugin that show progress indicator on page scroll looks like Youtube progressbar. Youtube progressbar indicates while page is loading, but this plugin indicates on page scroll.

18. LoadGo

LoadGo is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a progress bar by using your own images. It is perfect for logo image animation when user is waiting for something to be loaded (a website, retrieving information, updating status, etc.). It creates an overlay above your desire DOM element and simulates a loading process using width calculations.

19. Swiper

Smooth Progress is the ultra small (about 1Kb minified and gzipped) and free JavaScript plugin for iDangero.us Swiper 2.3+ that allows you add additional effects and dependencies depending on current position of Swiper and its slides in real time. The point is that now you can know about how much is far from "active" position any slide.

20. CirclesProgressbar

A jQuery Plugin for several Circle Shaped Progressbars.

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