jQuery UK 2015 is Almost Here

jQuery UK is back in March (March 6th to be exact) this year with a great line up of speakers.   Just in case you were interested in attending, we thought we would give you a quick breakdown of some of the speakers and what you can expect.  If you don't feel like ponying up 250 Pounds (and I know I don't), we expect some of the talks will be posted to YouTube.  Plus, it is only a one day event, but has some nice social events including jBeery (drinking of course) and jQuizzy (a jQuery trivia event).

The event also has some Workshops, but honestly the talks will be a lot more interesting.  So some of the speakers include Anne-Gaelle Colom, a Lecturer at the University of Westminster, where she specializes in mobile (she is also a part of the Mobile jQuery team).  Andy Hume, a software engineer at Twitter and Addy Osmani from Google round out the reps from the big boys.  Soledad Penades,  senior engineer at Mozilla will be speaking, and David Rousset will be talking about 3D integration with jQuery.  He heads up HTML5 and HTML5 gaming at Microsoft.  With Famo.us recently joining the jQuery Foundation, to offer an open-source physics framework for JQuery, this one will be especially interesting.

I'm especially excited to learn that Mark Otto will be giving a talk, he is a co-creator of Bootstrap and currently works at GitHub. Plus, as if you needed another reason to be geeked out, he once designed Britney Spears websites.  Alright, don't hold it against him, I'm sure he got paid well.  Check out the event in more detail.

Again, most of us are probably not attending, but it's great to see these jQuery events get the heavy hitters that they deserve.

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