Archive for April, 2012

jQuery Grid Plugins for ASP.NET

Grid or Data Grid or Grid View is a very common control and it is best way to represent data in a list form. ASP.NET also comes with controls like Repeater, DataList, DataGrid, GridView and ListView to display data in form of list. With jQuery becoming so popular, there are many jQuery Grid plugins available […]
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Show Hide jQuery UI DatePicker Programmatically

I just love "jQuery UI DatePicker" as its awesome and so easy to customize. Today for my requirement, I need to show the jQuery UI DatePicker control when textbox gets focus and hide the jQuery UI DatePicker automatically after 2 seconds if date is not selected by the end user, as if the date is […]
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How to create thumbnail from images using jQuery

jQuery NailThumb is jQuery plugin allows to create thumbnail from any image with full control using jQuery. You can create thumbnails easily from high-resolution images, without any distortion, with one line of jQuery code. You can even decide thumbnail dimensions directly from CSS. Integrates prefectly with any media gallery, even more usefull in dynamic web […]
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Provide date format hint using jQuery UI DatePicker

jQuery UI Datepicker seems to be rocking because of the functionality and options for customization it comes with. If you are using DatePicker and the input textbox is not read only then user can enter the date via keyboard without selecting from the jQuery DatePicker And that's a good option. So in this post, I […]
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Don’t use jQuery.size() to count number of elements

Here is a small quick tip for you that "Don't use jQuery.size() to count number of elements". Well jQuery provides .size() method, which returns number of element in the object. That means that you can count the number of elements within an object. For example, if you want to count total number of div elements […]
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Create book flip effect with jQuery

Book Flip effect like turning pages of the books is quite popular and people used to do using Flash. But now, you can have book flip effect using jQuery. You can implement this book flip effect using a plugin called "Booklet". "Booklet.js" is a plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real […]
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