Archive for April, 2012

Common utility methods of jQuery

jQuery provides several inbuilt utility methods. These utility methods uses $.namespace and they are very useful and handy for your routine programming tasks. I have put together some common jQuery Utility methods to make your programming routine easy and can save your valuable time. $.isArray(Object): Returns true if the object is an array. //Code Starts […]
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Correct way to find out table row count with jQuery

Yesterday, I got into an interesting problem. There was an HTML table on my page and it was having 20 rows. When I was trying to get the count of no. of rows using .children() method but it was always giving me count as 1. For a while, I was wondering what is happening but […]
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Updated ASP.NET GridView Tips and Tricks with jQuery

I have already posted about "ASP.NET GridView Tips and Tricks", But here is the updated list of ASP.NET GridView tips and tricks with jQuery. Formatting ASP.NET GridView using jQuery Highlight row on mouseover in GridView using jQuery How to remove rows from GridView using jQuery Change cursor to hand on mouseover in GridView using jQuery […]
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How to access particular cell in gridview using jQuery

You might be knowing that GridView is rendered as table > th > tr > td format. Below jQuery code allows to select first cell or td of every row (tr) in GridView. I have used "eq()" selector to select particular cell. Also read GridView Tips and Tricks using jQuery //Code Starts $(document).ready(function() { $("#<%=gdRows.ClientID%> […]
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How to filter GridView records using jQuery

Yesterday, I got into a situation where I need to filter the rows/records of the ASP.NET GridView on client side. When I say filter, that means depending on some condition just show only those records which satisfies the condition. And I implemented the same using jQuery so thought of sharing with you. Problem: First take […]
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How to crop image using jQuery

You must have seen on various social media sites, where after uploading the images they allow to crop image. It is a must feature these days on social media sites. Believe me, Image management like uploading, re-sizing and Image cropping is really a tough task. But there is a jQuery plugin which allows to crop […]
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