Better, Stronger, Safer jQuerify Bookmarklet

A long time ago I built myself a little bookmarklet to load jQuery on pages that don't already have it. The idea was to allow me to play around with any page on the web, using jQuery in the Firebug (and now Safari or IE8) console. I blogged about it, got lots of great feedback, […]
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Making a jQuery Plugin Truly Customizable

Most if not all of the jQuery plugins out there have some level of customization. But very few of the plugin authors have mastered the very particular art involved. Achieving the "optimum level" of customization is a bit of a balancing act… go too far either way and you've got an unusable plugin!
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3 Quick Steps for a Painless Upgrade to jQuery 1.3

Since the release of jQuery 1.3 a month and a half ago, I've been keeping my eye on any troubles that people have had with their upgrades. Fortunately, most people have had no problems at all. For those who have, the issues have almost always been in one of three areas. Identifying these areas and […]
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Slide Elements in Different Directions

Although jQuery has a nice set of slide methods — .slideDown(), .slideUp(), and .slideToggle() — sometimes we may want to slide an element in a different direction. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to do.
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The Year of jQuery UI

Two years ago I made the somewhat immodest claim that 2007 would be the "Year of jQuery." Since then, jQuery's popularity has grown in ways that none of the core contributors could have imagined. Now I'm ready to make another bold pronouncement: 2009 will be the year of jQuery UI. Here's why:
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Peeling Away the jQuery Wrapper and Finding an Array

If you haven't poked around under the hood of jQuery, you might not be aware that when you pass the jQuery function an expression or DOM element it places these elements (or, possibly a single element) into an object, and then this object is returned so that it can be chained. Without getting into the […]
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