
Using jQuery to Dynamically Add CSS to HTML

jQuery easily allows for CSS to be dynamically changed as a result of different event triggers. This is especially useful if you want to change some styling of a particular element after a click. Implementing this type of code is fairly simple. The code in the following example would change the color of the text […]
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Using jQuery .click() Events to Override Hover Styles on Mobile

One of the most frustrating things about optimizing a site for mobile is when certain styles or events that work perfectly fine on the desktop version don't really translate into a touch device. Take hover styles, for example, which work great on desktops, but, due to the nature of touch devices, don't really work at […]
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Use jQuery to Create a Simple Slider

All it takes are a few lines of code to make your own simple, lightweight content slider using jQuery -- no plugins necessary. First, use divs to separate your content and create each slide. Make sure each of these divs has its own unique ID. Each div should also contain text or an image/icon with […]
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Merging jQuery Deferreds and .animate()

Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on danheberden.com. jQuery’s .animate() method, and the shorthand methods that use it, are fantastic tools to create animations. Creating animations that link together to achieve a particular effect, and do something specific at the end of the animation, can be a painful, messy task. Luckily, we have .queue() for […]
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Now you see me… show/hide performance

I just got back from the jQuery conference in San Francisco. Wow, what an event. In addition to some incredible talks, I had the opportunity to speak with Rey Bango, Johnathon Sharp, and, of course, John Resig. Any conference where you get to talk to some of the most influential people in jQuery is a […]
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Flip your Tip: Keeping the Event-delegation Tooltip in View

Before we begin, please accept my apologies for not posting this tutorial sooner. I know at least two or three people were beginning to wonder if I'd ever finish what I started with this tooltip series. Please also forgive me if the phrase "flip your tip" has a double meaning in some ultra-hip corner of […]
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