10 Facebook Style jQuery Plugins

In this post, find a compiled list of 10 Facebook style jQuery plugins which are easy to integrate and allows you to imitate Facebook functionalities like Facebook like button, emoticons, infinite scroll, get photos and albums, create Facebook-like photos and many other things. 1. FaceMocion FaceMocion is a plugin to create Facebook emoticons with jQuery and […]
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10 jQuery YouTube Plugins

In this post, find a compiled list of jQuery plugins to integrate YouTube videos in your website. These plugins allows you to create YouTube background as video, customize them, create YouTube videos playlist, embed them easily in your website, and create animated video thumbnails, among other features. 1. PreView Tube   A small jQuery plugin […]
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jQuery Code Snippets for your Future Project

Code snippets are handy and very useful. They do the job for you without much effort. Hold onto these snippets to use for your next project. Change button text when clicked: [javascript] $(document).ready(function(){ $(".button").click(function(){ $(this).val("Some other text"); }); }); [/javascript] Mark external links with an icon [javascript] $('a').each(function(){ if(this.hostname != location.hostname){ $(this).append('<img src="external.png" />') .attr('target','_blank'); […]
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10 Newest Interesting jQuery Plugins

In this post, find a compiled list of latest interesting jQuery plugins. These plugins are fresh, interesting, simple and lightweight. You may find them useful for your next project! 1. Descartes Descartes is just over 30KB when minified and just over 300 lines of code. It's written entirely in JavaScript with its one dependency, Sizzle, […]
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10 jQuery Panorama Plugins

In this post, find a compiled list of 10 jQuery Panorama plugins which you can use to display panorama image or 360 degree view of any image. These plugins are easy to integrate in your website. 1. iPanorama 360° - jQuery Plugin iPanorama 360° jQuery Plugin is a lightweight and rich-feature panorama viewer for the […]
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8 jQuery Chat Plugins

In this post, find a compiled list of 8 jQuery Chat Plugins which you can easily integrate in your website. These plugins also provide the look and feel of Facebook/Gmail style chatting. 1. Chat.js ChatJS is a full-featured, lightweight, Facebook style jQuery plugin for instant messaging. It's completely client-side, so it's completely platform agnostic. Server side […]
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