All Learn jQuery

Learn how to use jQuery?

In this post, you will go through What is jQuery, why to use jQuery and learn how to use jQuery. jQuery is without any doubt is the most popular client side library. The popularity of jQuery is so much that it has become must for every developer. Before, you go further let me clear the […]
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Tips for Students on How to Do Math in JavaScript with Operators

Mathematics lies at the heart of just about everything in programming. Understanding how to implement mathematical principles into JavaScript is necessary for building a functioning platform that performs its intended usage. Many of even the most basic tasks that JavaScript is used for involve creating a mathematical output - such as calculating graphics ratios, arriving […]
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Should You Learn jQuery in 2021

Becoming a web developer or programmer seems an interest for the majority of people who are into technology. Following the latest trends and getting to know more about the languages makes people involved in programming languages. If you are studying coding and programming languages, you daintily want to learn some cool hacks or supportive languages […]
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The Newbies Guide to jQuery

If you’re an active participant on web developer forums, you may have come across interesting debates on the relevance and worthiness of jQuery. However, anyone who understands the history of JavaScript as a programming language, knows how this popular library was born and the browser compatibility issues it helped resolve. For many front-end developers, this […]
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Can You Make Video Games with JavaScript?

There was a time when JavaScript was thought to be merely a supplement to HTML that helped build the web. Now, it’s considered one of the most versatile programming languages.  The language can be used to create everything from web apps to desktop and phone apps and even databases and backend servers. But can you […]
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Best Tips to Learn jQuery

jQuery is a programming script that runs on a browser, and it is a JavaScript library. When you learn it, the concept is to expand your knowledge of the system and the libraries, so it really isn’t that hard to grasp if you already use the other known programs.  Image: Unsplash There are several benefits […]
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