All jQuery Methods

Determine which key was pressed using jQuery

I had a requirement where I need to check which key was pressed by the User in the textbox and then take various action. So below is simple jQuery code to determine or find out which key was pressed. We are using keypress() event of jQuery to detect which key was pressed. <input type='text' id='txtValue' […]
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How to Zoom image on mouseover using jQuery

I had already posted about Zoom an image using jQuery but that is on click event of the button. One of my reader asked me how to zoom an image with out a click, simply when mouse is on image. This is not a tough task to do. jQuery provides 2 events mouseover() and mouseout() […]
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Difference between jQuery text() and html() functions

jQuery provides 2 functions text() and html() and when to use text() function and when to use html() function is quite confusing as both the functions are different and serve different purpose. .html() - This jQuery function gets/sets the HTML of any element. .text()- This jQuery function gets/sets the text (innertext) of any element. Let's […]
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fadeToggle method in jQuery 1.4.4

jQuery team has released jQuery 1.4.4 Release Candidate 2. The purpose of candidate release to ensure that before they officially release it, it get tested with the developer community. With jQuery 1.4.4 a new animation method is added called "fadeToggle". jQuery already have fadeIn(), fadeOut() and fadeTo() method. fadeIn() - This method makes element visible […]
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Check variable is Array using jQuery

Today for one of my functionality, I need to check whether the Java script variable is an array or not. jQuery provides a method "jQuery.isArray()" to check whether the element is Java script array or not. jQuery.isArray() returns a boolean value that indicates whether the object is a JavaScript array or not. It takes the […]
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How to scroll to the bottom of a textarea using jQuery

Today I came across a situation where in textarea control, text was appended from code behind (.NET code) on button click. But the actual concern was that appended text is not visible to the end user as textbox area shows text from the top. So I looked into jQuery to find solution of it and […]
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