All jQuery 1.9

Top 5 Business Catalogs Where You Should Register Your IT Company

Consider adding your company to business catalogs to boost your brand awareness and expand your customer base. In this article, we'll tell you about how business catalogs work, how you can benefit from them and how to choose the best one. But aside from this, you may also require services like the best llc service […]
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Best Tips to Learn jQuery

jQuery is a programming script that runs on a browser, and it is a JavaScript library. When you learn it, the concept is to expand your knowledge of the system and the libraries, so it really isn’t that hard to grasp if you already use the other known programs.  Image: Unsplash There are several benefits […]
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How to migrate older jQuery code to jQuery 1.9+

jQuery team with their previous release has marked many methods/features deprecated but they were available with earlier jQuery releases. But with release of 1.9 version of jQuery many deprecated methods are discarded now and no longer available. Which are, Related Post: All you need to know about jQuery Source Maps jQuery.browser docs jQuery.fn.andSelf() docs jQuery.sub() docs jQuery.fn.toggle() docs (_event click […]
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All you need to know about jQuery Source Maps

1.9 version of jQuery is already released with some new features and many bug fixes. One of the exciting feature of the release is support for Source Maps! Related Post: How to migrate older jQuery code to jQuery 1.9+ How to enable source maps in Firefox jQuery not found error What are exactly Source […]
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