All jQuery 1.6

Top 5 Business Catalogs Where You Should Register Your IT Company

Consider adding your company to business catalogs to boost your brand awareness and expand your customer base. In this article, we'll tell you about how business catalogs work, how you can benefit from them and how to choose the best one. But aside from this, you may also require services like the best llc service […]
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Best Tips to Learn jQuery

jQuery is a programming script that runs on a browser, and it is a JavaScript library. When you learn it, the concept is to expand your knowledge of the system and the libraries, so it really isn’t that hard to grasp if you already use the other known programs.  Image: Unsplash There are several benefits […]
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jQuery validation using class “.required” problem – Question from blog reader

Read How to Validate email address using jQuery Well, 5 days back I received an mail from one of my reader, in which he had written that "I need to validation html page using Jquery by looping through Class attributes ["Class=Required"] if the label attribute contain "required" class then i should validate the alert the […]
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jQuery.holdReady() New in jQuery 1.6

With Release of jQuery 1.6, jQuery team has released a new method "jQuery.holdReady(hold)". This method allows to delay the execution of document.ready() event. document.ready() event is called as soon as your DOM is ready but sometimes there is a situation when you want to load additional JavaScript or some plugins which you have referenced. In […]
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What’s new in jQuery 1.6

Well, jQuery 1.6 is now live and available for consumption! You can get the code from the jQuery CDN: You can also get the code from other CDNs as well: Microsoft: (Google is still uploading their copy.) Read "How to always reference latest version of jQuery". Along with some bug fixes, some new […]
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