Fix for “IE Select DropDown with Fixed width issue” using jQuery

Today I found another reason to hate IE. I ran into an issue where Select DropDown with Fixed width cuts off the options text (if it is wider than the assigned width) only in IE (Internet Explorer). In this post, I will show you the fix for this problem using JavaScript and jQuery both.


For Example, if the width of DropDown is 150px and option text is quite large and it doesn't fit in 150px, so IE will cut the option text where it works like charm in Firefox and Chrome. See below images.

Ahhh!! If you are viewing this post in IE then take a look at below Demo and otherwise copy the link "" and open it in IE to see yourself.


So what is the solution? You can solve this problem either with JavaScript or with jQuery. The basic idea of solution is same, it just the implementation which differs in both the languages.

  • First wrap the select dropdown in a div with width same as dropdown and "overflow:hidden" style.
    //Code Starts
    <div style="width:150px;overflow:hidden;">
       <select style="width:150px;">
    //Code Ends
  • Now when dropdown is clicked using mouse then set the width of dropdown to 'auto' so that it expands and reset it to fixed width when focus is out or item is selected. The reason for wrapping it in div is when it is set to 'auto', the dropdown extra width is hidden.
  • So to implement this solution, we will be using "onmousedown","onchange" and "onblur" event.

JavaScript Solution

So first define two JavaScript functions. One which sets width to 'auto' and other reset it to original width.

//Code Starts
<script type='text/javascript'>
function SetWidthToAuto(drpLst) { = 'auto';

function ResetWidth(drpLst) { = '150px';
//Code Ends

Now call these functions on various events with select dropdown.

//Code Starts
<select id="drpTechnology" style='width:150px' 
//Code Ends

See Result below:

Well, the problem with above solution is that it is applicable in all browsers, but the issue is specific to IE. So let's modify the JavaScript code to execute only in case of IE.

//Code Starts
var isIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie");

function SetWidthToAuto(drpLst) {
    if (isIE > -1) { = 'auto';

function ResetWidth(drpLst) {
    if (isIE > -1) { = '150px';
//Code Ends

See Result below:

jQuery Solution

Below is jQuery code, which does the same as JavaScript code. Keep in mind, now you don't need to define these event which declaring select dropdown as with power of jQuery, we have attached it directly with the select dropdown.

//Code Starts
$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#drpTechnology").mousedown(function() {
        if ($.browser.msie) {
            $(this).css("width", "auto");
    $("#drpTechnology").change(function() {
        if ($.browser.msie) {
    $("#drpTechnology").blur(function() {
        if ($.browser.msie) {
//Code Ends

See Result below:

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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