Create a Simple Back to Top Button with jQuery

We've all seen those handy little "back to top" buttons, the one that usually appear at the bottom of a page once a user starts scrolling that, when clicked, will smoothly return the page back to the top position.

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Insert the following snippet into your projects to add a back to top button to your own pages. The code works by having the button (in this case it's the element with the class .back-to-top) initially hidden, with instructions to .fade-in() once the user has scrolled past 100px. Have fun styling your button any way you like!

var $backToTop = $(".back-to-top");
/* this hides the back to top button when the page first loads */
/* now we need to write a function that makes the back to top button appear after the user has scrolled a certain amount */
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
 if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100) { /* back to top will appear after the user scrolls 100 pixels */
 } else {
/* this function activates a smooth scroll to the top of the page when the back to top button is clicked */
$backToTop.on('click', function(e) {
 $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 500);

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