30 Best jQuery Modal Dialog boxes

jQuery Modal Dialog Box or jQuery Modal Window plugins are quite useful and allow users to create alert, warnings, and error messages for their web applications. These error messages or dialog boxes can be considered as a popup window that have been embedded into a webpage and appears into the same webpage without being redirected to the new web page.

In this article we would like to present 30 Best jQuery Modal Dialog boxes Plugins that would help you to implement modal windows or dialog boxes for your web applications with less efforts. We hope you will find the list handy and serve your purposes.

1. Uglipop.js

Uglipop.js is an ultra lightweight, minimal and highly customizable javascript Modal/Lightbox plugin. It can be styled easily using basic CSS class.

2. rmodal.js

rmodal.js is a simple and lightweight modal dialog with no external dependencies.

3. jQuery.modal

jquery modal
jQuery.modal is a jQuery plugin for simple modal boxes, alerts, prompts, confirms. It's responsive and many other options included.

4. animatedModal.js

animatedModal.js is a jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen modal with CSS3 transitions. You can use the transitions by animate.css or create yourself their transitions.

5. jQuery Confirm

jQuery Confirm is a multipurpose jQuery plugin for alert, confirm and dialog. It provides set of features like, Auto-close, Ajax-loading, background-dismiss, themes and more.

6. Morphing Modal

morhphing modal
A call-to-action button that animates and turns into a full-size modal window. It's created by using jQuery, CSS transition and transformations.

7. Submodal

Submodal is a jQuery plugin to add submodals to Bootstrap 3.x modals.

8. Sweet Alert

SweetAlert is a beautiful replacement for JavaScript's alert. It automatically centers itself on the page and looks great no matter if you're using a desktop computer, mobile or tablet. It's highly customizeable.

9. jQuery Subscribe Better

jquery subscribe better
jQuery Subscribe Better is a plugin to create a better, highly customizable subscription modal or newsletter signup.

10. Stackbox

Stackbox is a jQuery plugin for creating stackable modal boxes. It's also easy to customize using CSS / LESS.

11. jReject

jReject is a simple, light-weight library designed to display a popup based on a the browser, specific browser version, specific platforms, or rendering engine. Provides full customization of the popup. Uses a small CSS file, and can easily be used on page load or during a specific page event. Also provides a flexible way to beautifully and cleanly display custom browser alternatives in the popup.

12. popModal

popModal is a jQuery plugin for showing tooltips, titles, modal dialogs.

13. jBox

jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin, taking care of all your popup windows, tooltips, notices and more.

14. PlainModal

plainModal is a simple jQuery Plugin for customizable modal windows. plainModal has basic functions only, and it does nothing for styles. It has no image files and no CSS files. Just one small file.

15. Avgrund

Avgrund is a modal concept which aims to give a sense of depth between the page and modal layers. Uses CSS transforms to scale components and CSS filters to blur the page. Built for the fun of it, not intended for any practical use.

16. Lean Modal

LeanModal is a simple JQuery plugin for modal windows. It is built for all the short dialogs, alerts, panels and such associated with an app, that you may want to handle in a modal window. Designed to handle hidden content, and doesn’t apply any styles to the target element, other than for displaying and positioning.

17. The Modal

The Modal is a jQuery plugin to implement modal boxes. Facebook and vk.com photo modals are working like that and I think it’s the right way to go. You can use it w/o markup at all by opening empty modal and filling it with custom data the way you want, optional close on ESC (enabled by default).

18. Remodal

Remodal is a flat, responsive, lightweight, easy customizable modal window jQuery plugin with declarative state notation and hash tracking.

19. ConfirmOn

confirmOn plugin shows a confirmation box when the provided events are triggered. It works exactly like jQuery's .on() but with a confirmation step between the event and the handler. When the user clicks yes the handler is called, when the user clicks no the confirmation box hides itself and nothing else happens.

20. Custombox

Custombox is a jQuery modal window effects with CSS3 transitions. There are many effects such as FadeIn, Slide, Newspaper, Fall, Sidefall, Blur, Flip, Sign, Superscaled, Slit, Rotate,Letmein, Makeway, Slip etc.

21. Vex

Vex is a modern dialog library which is highly configurable, easily stylable, and gets out of the way. It's tiny, has a clear and simple API, works on mobile devices, and can be customized to match your style in seconds.

22. Modalbox.js

modalBox.js is a very light weight modal window plugin packed with only most used features and options. Its overall size is around 5.3 kb ( 2.5 kb minified). You can easily extend it according to your need.

23. PopEasy

Pop Easy is a lightweight jQuery plugin that is a must have for any developer to easily create modal windows. Put focus on important elements by applying a mask to your page and opening a customizable pop up modal window.

24. Bootbox.js

Bootbox.js is a small JavaScript library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Twitter Bootstrap modals, without having to worry about creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS event handlers.

25. Boxer

Boxer is a quick and simple way to display images, inline-content or iFramed URLs in a lightbox-style modal.

26. Simple Modal

Simple Modal is a small plugin to create modal windows. It can be used to generate alert or confirm messages with few lines of code. Simple Modal is not a lightbox although the possibility to hide parts of its layout may partially make it similar. Simple Modal is not a lightbox although the possibility to hide parts of its layout may partially make it similar.

27. jQuery BlockUI Plugin

The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated. BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction.

28. jQuery SuperBox

jQuery SuperBox
jQuery Superbox! is a jQuery plugin which allows you display windows with the lightbox effect. jQuery Superbox can display pictures, pictures galleries, external pages, a page element or even AJAX loaded content.

29. FBModal

FBModal is a jQuery plugin that is the first Facebook replica modal dialog. FBModal provides a simple ways to invoke a modal dialog.

30. Reveal

Reveal is awesome because it’s easy to implement, is cross-browser compatible with modern browsers (with some graceful degradation of course) and lightweight coming in at only 1.75KB. Setting up Reveal modals is only three easy steps. Attach the needed files, drop in your modal markup then add an attribute to your button. Reveal is licensed to use and abuse under the MIT license.

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