10 Best jQuery Cookie Plugins

European Union e-Privacy Directive that is  active since 26th May 2012 and "requires website owners to take the permission of the user before placing anything (cookies, HTML5 local storage..) to their computer for tracking them (cookies exist in analytics apps, many sign-up/login pages, widgets, etc.).

Handling cookies can be a daunting task using plain JavaScript, and since jQuery doesn’t natively include functions for handling cookies, therefore we have chosen 10 Best jQuery Cookie Plugins for you which will help you to setup cookies for your websites and applications. Let’s explore the list.

1. jCookies

jCookies, a jQuery plugin, makes getting and settings HTTP Cookies a breeze. jCookies allows the storage of any type of data: strings, arrays, objects, etc. Data is stored in the cookie as JSON data. Also you can retrieve data using server side code such as C# and PHP.

2. jQuery CookieBar

A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a notification bar that is dismissable and dismiss is saved by cookie. Perfect for implementing the new eu cookielaw!

3. Divas Cookies

divas cookies
Divas Cookies is EU Cookie Policy Banner generator as a jQuery plugin. The quickest and most elegant solution to be compliant with EU Cookie Policy. Easily and fully customizable to get the look & feel of any website.

3. jQuery Cookie

jQuery.cookie is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies.

4. Cookie

A jQuery plugin for simple access to browser cookies.Working with cookie strings are messy, especially in Javascript. Macaroon is a dead simple way to create, update, read and erase pesky browser cookies, so you can get back to more important code.

5. CookieCuttr

A tailorable jQuery plugin to deal with the EU Cookie Law.

6. Zebra Cookie

zebra cookie
Zebra_Cookie – an extremely small (~500 bytes minified) jQuery plugin for writing, reading and deleting cookies.

7. Cookies.js

Cookies.js is a small client-side javascript library that makes managing cookies easy.

8. jQuery CookieBar Plugin

jquery cookiebar plugin
The Cookie Bar plugin creates a small bar at the top or bottom of the website with a short message about cookies and accept, decline, and privacy policy buttons. Once a user has made the decision to either accept or decline, the Cookie Bar slides up, and then disappears.

9. Cookie Guard

Cookie Guard lets you list all the known cookies used on your site and offers site visitors the opportunity to block or allow non-essential and unknown cookies.

10. CookieConsent

jQuery.cookieConsent by phuu
Drop-in jQuery plugin for implied consent to the EU Cookie directive (UK implementation).

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