20 Best jQuery Tab Plugins

There are number of options and styles are available for creating navigation using jQuery but When we talk about tabs on web we usually think about tabs used for navigation. However, in this case we want to use them for showing different entities on the same page.

Below we have compiled a list of Best jQuery Tab Plugins for developers that will help you to optimize and improve your site tab user experience. We hope you will find the list handy for your tasks.
Enjoy !!

1. Slider Tabs

jQuery SliderTabs
SliderTabs is a customizable jQuery plugin that allows you to create a content slider that can turn into a tabs plugin or a custom slider by changing a few options.

2. jQuery Contact Tabs

jquery contact tabs
A jQuery form generator for creating unlimited slide-out or static contact tabs containing AJAX powered customised forms. Plugin includes 12 different form elements and client-side validation. Both “light” and “dark” skins available. Add multiple tabs, each with its own custom form or use the built-in default standard contact form. All form HTML and styling generated by the plugin.

3. jQuery Responsive Tabs

jQuery Responsive Tabs
Responsive Tabs is a jQuery plugin that provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. You can use this plugin as a solution for displaying tabs elegantly on desktop, tablet and mobile.

4. Responsive Full Width Tabs

responsive full width tabs
A full width tab component with some example media queries for adjusting the icons of the tabs and the content layout. The main idea is to show only icons for the mobile view and allow the text to appear when there’s enough space. The content columns and the containing media boxes have three different layouts

5. TabLooper

TabLooper is a Responsive Tab jQuery Plugin that is used to create tabs for your sites with responsive layout, support unlimited tabs, combine inline and AJAX content for best performance, move tab content by touch swipe event ( on mobile devices ) or left/right keys ( on desktop/laptop ) or simple click on buttons ( all devices ).

6. Tabslet

Tabslet is a jQuery plugin for tabs with extra features. It supports custom events, rotation and animation.

7. Ion.Tabs

Ion.Tabs is easy and well done jQuery tabs plugin with many options and skin support.

8. Tabulous.js

Tabulous.js is a jQuery plugin that provides an easy method of creating tabbed interfaces. As long as the specified HTML structure is followed, the tabulous plugin will take care of creating the tabbed functionality.

9. Easy Responsive Tabs to Accordion

easy responsive tab
Easy responsive tabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin which optimizes normal horizontal or vertical tabs to accordion on multi devices like: web, tablets, Mobile (IPad & IPhone). This plugin adapts the screen size and changes its action accordingly.

10. Cream Tabs

Cream Tabs it is a mix of tabs and navigation menu with content slider. Comes with number of features such as retina ready, simple to use, live preview, cross browser support and many others.

11. tNews

tNews is a news slider and content slider powered with jQuery and XML. It provides a fully functional news slider with content management via XML file.  It helps organize large number of news in categories and displays them in a nice looking tabbed interface, with each tab as a separate news category with navigation functionality. It also retains the position of each slide under each tab.

12. Lucid Tabs

Lucid Tabs
The Lucid Tabs jQuery plugin allows you to create tabs and corresponding pages with minimal markup and not a lot of JavaScript.

13. Responsive Tabbed Navigation

responsive tabbed navigation
A handy tabbed navigation, optimized for mobile devices, with support for both horizontal and vertical menu positioning. It's created by using CSS and jQuery.

14. Tabby

Tabby is a lightweight JavaScript and CSS kit for mobile-first toggle tabs. It's style-light so you can easily modify it to fit your design.

15. Codetabs

Codetabs is a great plug-in tabs + slider when integrated gestrue swipe, move between slides really easy on desktop and mobile. No need to switch troublesome dropdown menu as the other plugin on the mobile.

16. Scrolltab

Scrolltab is a jQuery plugin that adds tabs visually associated to their position relative to the scroll bar.
This enables a developer to attach floating tabs to the scrollbar of the browser that will scroll the user to the position indicated by the tab. This tab is expandable with content within.

17. Tabcordion

Bootstrap Tabcordion is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a set of Bootstrap tabs into a Bootstrap accordion. It can be configured to perform this transformation based on the size of the container or viewport to provide responsive awesomeness to your buzzword-rich UI.Useful for responsive mobile sites.

18. Elastic Content Slider

Elastic Content Slider is a fluid content slider that will adjust in width and height depending on the size of its parent.
It has a sliding area for content and a tab-like navigation at the bottom. The slider is fluid, meaning that it will adjust to the parent’s container width and height.

19. hashTabber

hashTabber is a simple JavaScript plugin for a hashchange-driven tabbed content switcher.

20. CodeTabs : Touch Responsive Tabs

cotabs-touch responsive tabs
Codetabs is a great plug-in tabs when integrated gestrue swipe, move between slides really easy on desktop and mobile. No need to switch troublesome dropdown menu as the other plugin on the mobile. Same time create thousands of beautiful effects with built-in over 250 ‘out-in’ effects and ‘one’. Also, codetabs built-in responsive features, vertical tabs, flat and clean theme, powerfull API, 40+ templates html, 14+ positions, 100+ options, more and more.


Responsive Menu
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