Newest jQuery plugins worth looking at

Many jQuery plugins are released daily and in today's busy life it is difficult to follow various new plugin releases. So in this post, find a complied list of some of the latest and newest jQuery plugins which are worth to look as they offer new functionality with great design and ease.

Also take a look at my earlier post about latest plugin released in May 2013, June 2013 and July 2013.


jGallery is free jQuery photo gallery with albums and preloader, comes with 41 configuration parameters and 43 transition effects. It uses modern technology and compatible with all major browsers.

jQuery Fullscreen Editor

jQuery Fullscreen Editor is a lightweight jQuery plugin that adds fullscreen mode to text fields. It transforms textfields to customizable editors, either it can be used within a form or standalone.

Super Simple Text Rotator

Super Simple Text Rotator is a light weight jQuery plugin that will allow you to add a super simple rotating text to your website with little to no markup.


Freewall is a responsive and cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating dynamic grid layouts for desktop, mobile and tablet.Freewall allows you to create many types of grid layout (flexible layout, grid layout, images layout, pinterest-like layout, etc) with nice CSS3 animation effects and call back events.

One Page Scroll

One Page Scroll plugin create an Apple-like one page scroller website (iPhone 5S website) with One Page Scroll plugin.

Wheel Menu

Wheel Menu is a small jQuery plugin that will add a fully customisable Path-like wheel menu button to your website


Today websites are full of events (new mail, new chat-message, content update etc.). Often it is not enough to indicate this events only visually to get user attention. You need sounds! Ion.Sound — Plugin for playing sounds on event. Cross browser support for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE(9.0+) and mobile browsers.


ContentShare is a jQuery plugin which lets you share the exact content on a page which you actually want to share. It enables you to share selected text on your social network rather the default text specified in the meta tags. By default, it supports Facebook and Twitter but you can add more networks easily.


Loadie.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a preloader that doesn't suck.


CLNDR is a jQuery plugin for creating calendars. Unlike most calendar plugins, this one doesn't generate markup. Instead you provide an Underscore.js HTML template and in return CLNDR gives you a wealth of data to use within it.

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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