Common utility methods of jQuery

jQuery provides several inbuilt utility methods. These utility methods uses $.namespace and they are very useful and handy for your routine programming tasks. I have put together some common jQuery Utility methods to make your programming routine easy and can save your valuable time.

  • $.isArray(Object): Returns true if the object is an array.
    //Code Starts
    var arrFirst = [50, 22, 10, 19, 22, 10];
    var isArray = $.isArray(arrFirst);
    //Code Ends
  • $.isEmptyObject(Object): Returns true if the object doesn’t define any methods or properties.
    //Code Starts
    var arrFirst = [50, 22, 10, 19, 22, 10];
    var isObject = $.isEmptyObject(arrFirst);
    //In this case, isObject will be false.
    //Code Ends
  • $.isFunction(Object): Returns true if the object is a function.
    //Code Starts
    function myFunc() {
      //function code
    var isFunction = $.isFunction(myFunc);
    //Code Ends
  • $.isNumeric(Object): Returns true if the object is a number.
    //Code Starts
    var num = 1;
    var isNumeric = $.isNumeric(num);
    //Code Ends

    Read "jQuery.isNumeric in jQuery 1.7"

  • $.isWindow(Object): Returns true if the object is a Window. This method accepts an argument and determines whether the argument is a window. This is used in a number of places in jQuery to determine if we're operating against a browser window (such as the current window or an iframe).This returns true is object is window, otherwise false.
    //Code Starts
       var isFrame = $("#objFrm");
    //Code Ends

    Here objFrm is defined as an iframe.

  • $.isXMLDoc(Object): Returns true if the object is an XML document. Check to see if a DOM node is within an XML document (or is an XML document).
    //Code Starts
      $.isXMLDoc(document) // false
      $.isXMLDoc(document.body) // false
    //Code Ends
  • $.type(Object): Returns the built-in JavaScript type for the object.
    //Code Starts
       var iVal = 12;
       $.type(iVal); //number
       iVal = 'jQuery';
       $.type(iVal); //string
    //Code Ends

    Below is the list of types which can be returned by this method based on the value.

    • boolean
    • number
    • string
    • function
    • array
    • date
    • regexp
    • null
    • undefined
    • object
  • $.trim(Object): This method removes white spaces from beginning and end of the string.
    //Code Starts
     var str = '     jquery by example       ';
        str = $.trim(str);
    //Code Ends

Please bookmark this article and make a practice to use these method as they can save your time.

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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