Flip your Tip: Keeping the Event-delegation Tooltip in View

Before we begin, please accept my apologies for not posting this tutorial sooner. I know at least two or three people were beginning to wonder if I'd ever finish what I started with this tooltip series. Please also forgive me if the phrase "flip your tip" has a double meaning in some ultra-hip corner of […]
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Tab Navigation with Smooth Horizontal Sliding Using jQuery

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a navigation menu that slides horizontally. It begins with a set of "tabs" on the right side of a containing element. When clicked, a tab slides to the left to reveal a group of links. Click the tab again, and it slides back. While I've never […]
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Quick Tip: Dynamically add an icon for external links

A common feature I've seen on “web 2.0” sites and wikis is the "external link" icon: . While I'm not crazy about the idea of sticking these little images all over the HTML, they're a great candidate for using progressive enhancement. In our case, we can use jQuery to add the images pretty easily.
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