jQuery : Execute/Run multiple Ajax request simultaneously

Yesterday for one of my requirement, I needed to execute/run multiple ajax request simultaneously or in parallel. Instead of waiting for first ajax request to complete and then issue the second request is time consuming. The better approach to speed up things would be to execute multiple ajax request simultaneously. Related Post: Avoid jQuery.post(), use […]
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Free jQuery Courses and Training material

In this post, we bring you a list of Free jQuery Course and Training Material which are useful from beginner to an expert. Of course, this blog has some useful, handy material but the below list has some serious and exceptional training materials which are created specifically for training purpose. Try jQuery. Try jQuery walks […]
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Highlight first day of every month in jQuery UI Datepicker

With continuation of jQuery UI Datepicker series articles, here is another post which gives solution to highlight very first day of each month in jQuery UI Datepicker control. First, define a CSS class to show highlighted effect. .firstDay a{ background-color : #00FF00 !important; background-image :none !important; color: #000 !important; } And use "beforeShowDay" event provided […]
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jQuery library file size over the years

The first version of jQuery library was released on August 26, 2006 and after that there was no looking back. In last 6 years, jQuery has come a long way and now we have jQuery 2.0, which was released recently. Yesterday, I was going through the history of jQuery and realized how jQuery has steadily […]
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Remove related videos from YouTube videos using jQuery

You must have notice that YouTube shows related videos link at the end of playback. This is sometimes quite annoying when you have embedded a video specific to your website and other related videos come up. So in this post, find jQuery code to remove related video shown at the end of playback. Related Post: […]
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Split an image into strips using jQuery

In this post, find out about a jQuery plugin that gives your images a bit of WOW! Yes, this jQuery plugins allows to split the image into any number of strips. PicStrips adds a little style to your images to help them stand out from the crowd. You can split your images into any number […]
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