Split an image into strips using jQuery

In this post, find out about a jQuery plugin that gives your images a bit of WOW! Yes, this jQuery plugins allows to split the image into any number of strips.

PicStrips adds a little style to your images to help them stand out from the crowd. You can split your images into any number of strips, specify the white space between each strip and also the amount of vertical white space added at the top and bottom of alternate strips.

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How to use it?

It's very easy to use. All you need to do is to make call to picstrips method on your image which you want to split into strips.

    splits: 7,
    hgutter: '10px',
    vgutter: '20px',
    bgcolor: '#fff'


This plugin currently supports 4 different options (as specified in above sample code).

  • splits - The number of strips you want to split the image into.
  • hgutter - The horizontal gutter between each strip.
  • vgutter - The vertical gutter overlayed at the top and bottom of alternate strips.
  • bgcolor - The background colour of the vertical overlays (defaults to white).
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