How to restore CSS styles using jQuery

To assign inline css to any DOM element, we can jQuery ".css()" method to define it. Like, $("#dvText").css('color','#FF0000'); And if you need to remove the color again, then you can use the same css method to remove it. Like, $("#dvText").css('color',''); The above method to remove/restore the style is fine, when you have defined a single […]
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Best jQuery Plugins From 2013

Year 2013 is about to end and its been an exciting year for jQuery community. Thousands of jQuery plugins were released in 2013 and this post is compilation of some of THE best jQuery plugins released in Year 2013. A year ago, we posted 50+ Most Popular and Useful jQuery Plugins from 2012 and now […]
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jQuery UI vs Ajax Control ToolKit

Ajax is heart of web application these days as it provides capabilities to create asynchronous web applications which in turn returns better user experience as users these days are quite impatient. To implement Ajax and ajax enabled controls, there are many libraries available. Out of these many libraries, two are jQuery UI and Ajax Control […]
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Before I start, want to thank you every one who has contributed for success of this blog. jQueryByExample blog has been online and running since June 2010 and that too due to an accident. I met with an accident and it was quite severe, and I had fractures on my left foot and right hand. […]
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Rotate words using jQuery

Words Rotator is a simple text elements rotator plugin. This plugin also allows to use CSS3 effects for word rotation. This plugins also allows to stop animation on mouse over, rotate words on click and also provide support for using icons and links for rotation. Related Post: How to shake, vibrate and rotate elements using […]
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10 jQuery Grids Plugins

Data Grid or Grid is the most preferable way to display data in list format. And there are plenty of jQuery Grid plugins available with lots of features. Earlier I had posted about jQuery Shopping Cart Plugins, jQuery Plugins to create Pinterest like layout, jQuery Rating Plugins and jQuery WebSite Tour Plugins. And in this […]
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