15+ Useful jQuery Validation Plugins

Collection of 15+ Useful jQuery Form Validation Plugins. Form validation is required for better user experience and for security purpose. But implementation of validation can give you serious headache. To save you from serious head bashing, here is a list of 15+ jQuery Form Validation Plugins, that will make form validation easy. You may also […]
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jQuery on() – Click event not working for dynamically added element

My colleague got stuck into a problem where he was using jQuery on() method to attach the click event handlers but click event was not working for dynamically added elements. Although he knew that .bind() method doesn't work for dynamically added element but he was quite sure about .live() and .on(). Since .live() method is […]
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10+ Free/Paid Tools for Cross-Browser Testing

For a developer code not working is a daily battle, same way cross browser testing is a challenge for a software tester. Since there is no standard method followed by the browsers for rendering websites and handling of JavaScript and CSS which in turn leads to defective functionality and tons of errors. Read Error/Exception handling […]
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jQuery – Load ASP.Net User Control Dynamically

In this post, find jQuery code to load ASP.NET user control dynamically using jQuery and ajax together. To achieve this, we need to declare a WebMethod on server side which actually adds the user control to a Page class object. And using jQuery and Ajax, call this WebMethod and append the respond to any DOM […]
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Export table to Excel using jQuery in IE

Previously I had posted about Export table data to Excel using jQuery but that solution doesn't work in IE. And many of us are looking for solution to this problem. If you are using ASP.NET, then by end of this post you will have the solution. To make it work for IE with ASP.NET, we […]
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jQuery Coding Standards & Best Practices

Following coding standards and best practices while programming is hallmark of a good programmer. These expertise plays an important role for performance of any application. And this applies while using jQuery as well. As a jQuery developer, its very important to follow coding standards and best practices to write better code, error handling and avoiding […]
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