How to Limit Number of Characters in Textarea using jQuery

Find jQuery code to limit characters inside textarea control. Below code also handles copy + paste and on drop event. $(function () { var nMaxLength = 150; $("#txtDesc").keydown(function (event) { LimitCharacters($(this)); }); $("#txtDesc").keyup(function (event) { LimitCharacters($(this)); }); function LimitCharacters(txtDesc) { if (txtDesc.val().length > nMaxLength) { txtDesc.val(txtDesc.val().substring(0, nMaxLength)); } else { var nRemaining = nMaxLength - […]
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10 Free jQuery Social Sharing Plugins

Social medium has become necessity for any website to grow and connect with readers. So here is collection of free jQuery social sharing plugins which allows you to easily create share button, follow button and get content recommendations which helps in you get more likes, shares, followers and keep them coming back. You may also […]
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10 jQuery plugins for textarea element

Find a complied list of 10 jQuery plugins for textarea input element. These plugins allows you to set characters count limit, make them easily grow/expandable as and when user types. You may also like: Latest jQuery Rich Text Editor Plugins 15 Free Awesome jQuery Text Effect Plugins Awesome jQuery Tab Plugins and Tutorials jQuery Textarea […]
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10 jQuery plugins for creating floating elements

Having floating element in your website is a new interesting thing. So here is a complied list of jQuery floating plugins to create floating elements like image, sharing buttons, header, footers, text labels, news, notifications, create floating message and many more... You may also like: 6+ Lightweight jQuery Slider Plugins Fading Image effect using jQuery […]
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5+ jQuery plugins to create Youtube like loading bar

YouTube red color progress bar which appears on top of a YouTube page while loading has drawn many attentions. And same loading animation can be seen on many websites these days. Wondering how to implement it and thinking of having same on your website? Well, here is the list of 5+ jQuery plugins and tutorials […]
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Different ways of handling errors in jQuery.ajax

While using jQuery ajax, one needs to be very careful while handling errors as there are chances that your ajax request gets failed for any reason like server didn't respond, database error or any server side exception. So it is best practice to always handle errors while using jQuery.ajax(). To handle errors, there are 3 […]
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