10 jQuery plugins for creating floating elements

Having floating element in your website is a new interesting thing. So here is a complied list of jQuery floating plugins to create floating elements like image, sharing buttons, header, footers, text labels, news, notifications, create floating message and many more...

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floatShare is a free jQuery plugin that allows your website visitors to share your web content on popular social media platforms with a single- click giving you good coverage and audience on multiple social media platforms.


hcSticky is a cross-browser jQuery plugin that makes any element on your page float. It is used for sidebars on long pages, so they can be visible all the time user scrolls down the page, instead of a empty space visitors usually see. It is also used for floating top menus, emphasizing it to the user at all time.


floatThead is a floating/locked/sticky table header jQuery plugin that requires no special CSS and supports window and overflow scrolling.


jsPanel is a jQuery Plugin to create highly configurable floating panels for use in a backend solution and other web applications.


jqFloat.js is a jQuery plugin that able to make any HTML objects appear to be "floating" on your web page. It helps create simple floating animation and make your websites come alive with these little "floating" object.


Augments form labels to behave like placeholders, but with a twist.


floatlabels.js is a jQuery plugin for the Float Label Pattern. The Pattern is easy to explain. On User Interaction with an input field the placeholder value moves up, and is displayed above the typed text.


Portamento is a jQuery plugin that makes it simple to add sliding (aka "floating") panel functionality to your web page. All that's needed is some simple CSS and one line of JavaScript, and you're away! It works fine with floated and absolutely-positioned layouts, in all modern browsers and some not-so-modern ones too.


This plugin makes it possible to have a fixed position element that is relative to it’s parent. A normal fixed positioned element would be "out of context" and is very difficult to use in the most common situations with fluid designs. This plugin solves that problem with as little code as I could possible get it so it will run in the most optimized way, while also allow you to customize it in many important ways which might suit you best.


JVFloat uses CSS3 Transform and Transitions to perform the animations by default. Browsers that doesn’t support those will simply doesn’t show anything when user typing on the input elements. to fix that, enable/uncomment the legacy rules on the default CSS file, and comment out the CSS3 rules.

jQuery Floating Message Plugin

jQuery Floating Message Plugin is display the messages easily.

Feel free to contact me for any help related to jQuery, I will gladly help you.

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