Famo.us Joining jQuery Foundation

Looks like 2015 is going to be a big year for jQuery. Famo.us is an open-source  Javascript/Physics framework and they recently announced  their involvement in jQuery. This move by Famo.us is an exciting step for jQuery.  It means that via jQuery, web developers will get high performance 3D animations and physics effects.  The first step […]
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20 jQuery File Upload Plugins

jQuery File Upload plugins enable you to upload files, images, videos, and other type of documents to your websites and web applications. Adding file upload feature to your website isn’t arduous task and can be easily accomplished with the help of jQuery File Upload Plugins. In this article we would like to present 20 Best […]
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12 Best Tutorials To Learn AngularJS

Are you thinking about learning AngularJS and don't know where to start? Recently, I had posted about 4 Free ebooks to learn AngularJS and if you don't want to read those long books to start, here is a complied list of 12 best AngularJS learning tutorials and sources. These tutorials are interactive and covers all […]
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20 Best Responsive jQuery Navigation Plugins

For this article we would like to present our audience 20 Best Responsive jQuery Navigation Plugins that will help you to create beautiful menus, tabs, columns and navigation system for your websites. You can easily integrate these navigation plugins to your websites to make them more beautiful and eye-catching. If you are aware of some […]
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4 Free ebooks to learn AngularJS

EBooks are your best friends and it is the most preferred way to learn anything, and it is no different with AngularJS. Here is a list of 4 free best ebooks which helps you to learn AngularJS with fun and practical concepts with solution of many real world AngularJS problems. 1. AngularJS Succinctly Author Frederik […]
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Quick summary of AngularJS utility functions

Here is a quick and short summary of mostly used AngularJS utility functions. These short summary will be quick help you to find out desired function. angular.bootstrap - To manually start up angular application. angular.copy - Creates a deep copy of source, which should be an object or an array.. angular.extend - Copy methods and […]
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