Optimize Your jQuery Selectors for Best Performance

Optimize your jQuery selectors for best performance Introduction Over time, the data size has increased for nearly every application. Due to huge amount of data residing in various database servers, performance becomes the most important and integral part of any application. If the page takes lots of time to render the data, it creates a […]
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Drag and Drop HTML Table Rows Using jQuery

HTML tables are the preferred UI option for displaying data. Sorting, paging and searching/filtering are must-have functionalities for any HTML table with extensive data. These functions make HTML tables more user-friendly and efficient for the end user. In some cases one may require drag and drop functionalities for HTML table rows. Unfortunately, implementing drag and […]
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How to Use jQuery to Check if Cookies are Enabled

A cookie (not the kind with chocolate chips) is a small piece of data sent by a website and stored in a user's computer by their web browser. Cookies are used mainly to store data about you as an internet user and what types of pages you visits, products you buy, etc, to help create […]
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7 Free jQuery Plugins for Maps

cThe ability to add a map functionality to your site can be a big deal -- especially if the website in question represents an actual establishment that users can visit. In that case, the fact that your users would be able to see where it's located on a map not only helps to make a […]
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How to Verify User Age with jQuery Code

If you've ever visited a site that's selling a product that has certain age restrictions (for example, a site selling or representing an alcohol brand might prompt you to verify that you're over 21 before you're allowed access to the site), you might have come into contact with an age verification form. It turns out, […]
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A Beginner’s Guide to jQuery’s Selectors

We talk a lot about event methods on this site, but not so much about jQuery's selectors. Selectors in jQuery are actually similar in a lot of ways to selectors in CSS. For example, when you want to select an ID, you precede it with the "#" symbol, and when you want to select a […]
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