All Password Strength

How to check password strength using jQuery

Many websites give an indicator of how secure a password is, and require a minimum standard of security. However this is always poorly implemented with rules such as 'must require a number' even if the password is 30 characters long and clearly very secure. Often the only requirement is a minimum number of characters, a […]
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5 jQuery Plugin to show Password Strength

These days having a strong password is must have requirement. You can make your own algorithm to define what a strong password means to you. But it is nice to give a visual indication to the user about entered password strength. Here is a list of top 5 jQuery plugin that show password strength to […]
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7 Free and Must jQuery Plugins/Tutorials for Developers

Today, we have collected amazing 7 Free and Must jQuery Plugins/Tutorials for every Developer that you can download for free and use for your next projects. These tutorials covers features like Facebook like registration, Sign in with Google, implementing Site search with Google and others. So browser through these amazing tutorials and give them a […]
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