
Fancy Drop Cap – Part 2

In Fancy Drop Cap - Part 1, I showed how I used jQuery to insert a drop cap on my personal weblog. But there is still some unfinished business to take care of: Accounting for cases in which the first paragraph (where I want my drop cap to go) starts with another tag of some […]
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Scroll Up Headline Reader

A couple weeks ago someone on the jQuery discussion list asked if someone could reproduce a rotating headline box in which the headlines, in succession, scroll up into the box, pause, and then scroll up out of the box. Since I already had some code for rotating images on a page, I decided to recycle […]
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Quick Tip – Blurring Links

Warning Using JavaScript to blur clicked links is NOT recommended because it interferes with basic accessibility, especially for those using keyboard navigation or other assistive technologies With all the fun new things you can do using jQuery and other JavaScript libraries, people are using links ("a" tags) for much more than sending users to a […]
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Updated Plugin – jTip

Update This plugin is no longer being supported. If you're interested in trying a tooltip plugin with lots of features, please check out my clueTip jQuery Plugin. Thanks.
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Documentation and Support Resources for jQuery

One of the first things I want to know when I try out a new programming language or library or framework is where I can find documentation and support. Yet too often I have found an otherwise promising new tool to be nearly useless for someone like me who is just starting out and can't […]
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How to Get Anything You Want – part 1

With jQuery, you can get to just about anything on a web page. In this entry, I'll show you a few ways you can use jQuery's versatile selector expressions to traverse to an element — or group of elements — in the DOM. I've put together a short paragraph and an ordered list scattered with […]
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