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How to Create a Simple Image Slider Using jQuery

Image sliders are useful for showing multiple images with cool animations to catch a user's attention.  Having an image slider/slideshow is a very common functionality that you may find on any website. Creating a simple image slider is pretty easy and it can be implemented easily with jQuery. There are tons of plugins available for […]
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Tipsy: a jQuery Plugin for Tooltips

Tipsy is a jQuery plugin that creates a Facebook like tooltip effect generated from an anchor tag’s title attribute. It’s easy to use, really lightweight, and super customizable. One of the coolest things about the plugin is that it allows you to specify the so-called “center of gravity” of the tooltips, or where each individual […]
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jQuery’s .children() Method

Just like in CSS, it’s possible to use jQuery to select the children of an element and apply jQuery to them. This can be done using jQuery’s .children() method. The method works pretty much like any other jQuery method — to select all of the children of an element, use the parent element as the […]
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5 Useful jQuery Snippets

1. Back to Top Button $('').click(function(){ $(document.body).animate({scrollTop : 0},800); return false; }); This code can be used to create a smooth, simple back to top button — a trendy and functional item to have on any website. Just make sure you use this HTML code or something similar (with the a tag having a class […]
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jQuery’s .click() Method

With jQuery, it’s super easy to make something happen as a result of something else being clicked using the .click() method. All you need to do is pass a function through the .click() method. The .click() method will be the trigger event (make sure you use a selector to indicate which HTML element being clicked […]
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5 of the Funniest jQuery Plugins

Sometimes the coolest jQuery plugins are the ones that really don’t serve a purpose at all.  1. Bacon! Bacon! (don’t forget the exclamation point!) exists literally to add strips of bacon to your webpages. If you ever feel like you might need to spice up a dull page or a boring block of text…why not […]
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