
Better, Stronger, Safer jQuerify Bookmarklet

A long time ago I built myself a little bookmarklet to load jQuery on pages that don't already have it. The idea was to allow me to play around with any page on the web, using jQuery in the Firebug (and now Safari or IE8) console. I blogged about it, got lots of great feedback, […]
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The Year of jQuery UI

Two years ago I made the somewhat immodest claim that 2007 would be the "Year of jQuery." Since then, jQuery's popularity has grown in ways that none of the core contributors could have imagined. Now I'm ready to make another bold pronouncement: 2009 will be the year of jQuery UI. Here's why:
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jQuery Site Redesign – The Community Speaks

Re-posted from Rey Bango's blog. As many of you have seen by now, the jQuery Project's site has been redesigned. It had been a long overdue task and it was important to put a fresh new spin on the main hub, and the face, of jQuery. One of the things about the jQuery Project is […]
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jQuery Documentation Alternatives

As many of you have discovered by now, and its subdomains have been offline intermittently over the past several weeks. On behalf of the jQuery Project Team, I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. John Resig is aware of the problem and is working with the hosting company to get things resolved as […]
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Introduction to jQuery UI

After many months of stellar work, the jQuery UI team has released version 1.5 of their flagship suite of user-interface widgets, components, and effects. This release was focused on bringing you a standardized development API across all of the components, allowing for a more seamless experience when working with the jQuery UI library.
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Tutorials Elsewhere

Quite a few jQuery tutorials have been posted around the web recently. It's always great to see more people not only learning jQuery, but also teaching it to others. Here are just a few that I think could be helpful to readers of Learning jQuery:
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