All jQuery UI

Validate Date of Birth is not greater than current date using jQuery

This is a common situation where Date of birth needs to validated against the current or today's date. I have to implement the same functionality for my project. I have used jQuery UI datepicker control to select date and textbox was read only, it was pretty easy to implement. Read my series of articles about […]
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Change thumb style of jQuery UI slider control

In my previous post, I had posted about jQuery UI Slider control. 1. Implement jQuery UI slider with ASP.NET 2. How to change jQuery UI Slider value from textbox in ASP.NET In this post, I will show you how easily you can change the slider control's thumb. Thumb allows us to increment or decrement the […]
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Set Date range to one month in jQuery datepicker

In this post, I will show you how can you set the selected date range to only one month from the current date in jQuery UI datepicker. jQuery UI datepicker provides 2 options minDate and maxDate. minDate option allows you to set minimum selectable date in datepicker. Default is null which means no limit. Where […]
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Show multiple months in jQuery datepicker

By default the jQuery UI datepicker shows only one month in the datepicker. But in this post I will show you how can you display multiple months in jQuery datepicker. Read my other posts related to jQuery UI Datepicker. 1. Implement jQueryUI DatePicker with ASP.NET 2. Show Hand/Pointer cursor on image button with jQueryUI datepicker […]
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How to change jQuery UI Slider value from textbox in ASP.NET

I had recently posted about how to use jQuery slider with ASP.NET which I had also used for my client. But my client came up with one more requirement which is user can either select value from slider or can enter in a textbox. Based on the value entered in textbox, slider value should also […]
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Implement jQuery UI slider with ASP.NET

jQuery UI provides slider widget which can be used for inputs where range is defined or fixed like we have in various color pickers for RGB. The biggest advantage of slider is that you are not concerned about the validation of the input value as range is fixed and user can't input value beyond the […]
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